317.30 Moments When Fighting Animals Can Beat A Lion | Animal Fight
The lion is one of the strong and agile wild animal fights, has good hunting ability and is a formidable opponent of other animal fights on the African land. However, lions can also be attacked and injured by other wild animal fights.
Once, while hunting, a male lion was attacked by a male hippo. Hippo is one of the large and very strong wild animal fight species, capable of attacking and killing its prey. The lion tried to dodge and hit the hippo, but was still attacked by the hippo and badly injured.
After being injured, the lion had to leave the herd and live alone in the rainforest. Although the lion is one of the bravest and most resilient animal fights, it is a great challenge to face all the difficulties and face the dangers of other animal fights.
During their time alone, the lion had to search and hunt for smaller prey in order to survive. Every time the lion goes out to hunt, the lion must be careful and pay attention to every movement around to avoid a sudden attack from other wild animal fights.
However, the solitary life and harsh living conditions have made the lions weak and lagging behind the members of the herd. It has lost its flexibility and strength, unable to hunt with its brethren and defend its territory as before.
One day, while searching for food, the lion was attacked by a herd of antelope. Antelope is an agile and skillful wild animal fight that can run fast and dodge attacks from other animals. The lion tried to fight back against the antelope, but was still attacked by them and suffered more serious injuries.
With these severe injuries, the lion could not continue to survive and eventually passed away. The life of a lion is a testament to the fact that wild animal fights also face many dangers and challenges in survival, and are very vulnerable to injury or death if not careful and skillful.
00:00 animal fight
00:45 lion vs tiger
02:02 lion vs giraffe
04:00 lion vs elephant
05:18 lion fight
06:54 lion vs hyena
08:48 hyena fight
09:40 lion vs lion
The video uses some cleverly edited footage for the purpose of showing the audience the possible outcomes for wild animals in the wild and is not intended to alter the facts.
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This Video researched by: Jamison Mayer DDS
Address: 093 Schiller Junction Suite 767 Deborahfurt, NV 19847
Geographic coordinates: 62.971989,-155.543882
Mother’s maiden name: Rempel
Date 1996-07-21
Age 26 years old
The Hawk does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
For any commercial/general/copyright inquiries
contact: animalsfightusa@gmail.com
You can beat a lion
Embora os leões sejam considerados o "rei da selva", existem muitos animais que podem derrotá-los em uma luta. Por exemplo, um grupo de hienas pode derrubar um único leão, e um búfalo ou búfalo do cabo é capaz de matar um leão com seus chifres poderosos. Mesmo animais menores, como texugos de mel, são conhecidos por afastar leões com sua tenacidade e pele grossa. Portanto, embora os leões possam ser predadores formidáveis, eles não são invencíveis.
It is not the same lioness. The first one could barely walk. No way could she jump on four paws, move so quickly and pounce on a wildebeest.
At 1.56 you can see two Lioness on the job.
Wherere the Park Rangers? Get the Veterinary Dr!!
The number of deer run over by motor vehicles in upstate NY is ridiculous and could be reduced greatly if people would just slow down…especially at night, dawn, and dusk. But big government cost us all so much in taxes and inflation that most people are
The best bit was when the large buck crashed into the other wildebeest
Since lions are an endangered species, would it not be possible to heal her and then release her ?
Quanta crueldade.
Plz hv mercy on all Wild Life n save all animals n birds . Plz let them to live as they r the real beauty of this Earth.
broken leg or not that lioness is doing what she needs to do to survive.
Haven’t seen anyone recover from an injury like that since Neymar!
Well-done cooking the deers n eating is just yummy
Not even a broken paw will stop a strong women. I hope the film crew called someone to help that Lady. Ty Jeanette from NY
A lioness who hunts with a broken leg! What a force of nature!
Ive always said that humans are the most dangerous animals devastating nature
Pobresito los animales, cuidenlos, no maten por gusto, alimente se de verduras y frutas, todos merecemos vivir
Não acredito que Deus algum possa ter criado esta merda. Perante o que se vê aqui, a morte é uma benção!!!!!
It looks like that there are 2 lionesses hunting the wildebeest together.
Unfair advantage. Everyone knows a broken leg makes it easier to hunt. Geees.
Poor deer .
I can imagine the pain of broken legs and the fear of being killed by predators
She could not bring it alone down. She was together with one of her sisters or daughters.
Wow, what a tough lady…