This whole story of how I rescued three little squirrels felt like a fairytale, with ups and downs and fortunately… a happy ending. Raising these babies was exhausting, I was feeding them every three hours day and night and I thought that was as tough as it would get. Little did I know…
Important disclaimer:
Never give cow milk to any animal…never. It is bad for them and it might even be fatal.
Before you decide to own a squirrel yourself… They need a very larch aviary that has to be ready before you get one. I feel a squirrel should live in a tree, unfortunately this species is not native to my country so I can not set them free.
All music is from the audio network library.
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Thanks so much, for watching, for commenting, for seeing what I see in animals. I think we can all take comfort in knowing there’s many many people like you and me out there .,.
What an awesome squirrel dad you are❤
Hello! I don’t know if you’ll see this but I really hope you do… I just rescued a baby sparrow. Idk where the nest was but it was in a barn stall. I’m feeding it mealworms but I don’t know how many I’m supposed to feed per feeding… it’s a nestling it’s eyes are open but it has like no feathers
Every time we tried to rescue squirls or birds they always die.😢 You seem like a sweet man, God bless you. Beautiful squirls.
God bless you. And thank you for all your incredible hard and noble work. You are truly appreciated. ❤
Continuo a non capire lo scopo di avere in gabbia degli animali selvatici….
E non mi dite che sono nati in cattività .
È sicuramente più emozionante se ti capita di vederli in natura
I think the fact that these dont have talking in them makes them more profound. 😊. I enjoy the background music.
You’re amazing Dude 💯
Good morning. I saw your videos, you know how to care of birds and you did and do a lot for them. 10 min ago I found one little newborn bird in a garden . Maybe you could recommend what to do, how can I care about it, please? Maybe it's possible to contact you somehow? Thanks.
Sometimes angels take form of simple men with beards.
No surprise the black one got kicked out💀
This man is a Saint! Those little baby squirrels could not have had a better daddy! So sweet!
what a good story, i hope it never ends
I ❤❤❤them all
Trop mignon ❤️🇧🇪🙏 Merci
You are very compassionate. However squirrels are just rats in fancier outfits. Very cute though. So funny, you’re saving them, and I’m trying to figure out how to kill all the ground squirrels in my yard. They have eaten just about anything that can be eaten, ruined my lawn, gnawed through pipes and tree roots, and have destabilized some parts of my yard with all of the underground tunnels. I’m not relocating them either….
718,716th view
I saw a fly at 5:32. It lands on squirrels waste, then the guys food, etc?
Kissing squirrels may transmit diseases?
Google says there are many diseases carried by squirrels. Six diseases that squirrels potentially carry:
Salmonellosis: Salmonella bacteria found in droppings. Symptoms typically appear 12 to 72 hours after exposure and can include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, vomiting, and headache. In some cases, complications such as dehydration, sepsis, and meningitis may occur.
Lyme disease: Spread by the ticks squirrels carry, symptoms include nerve pain, stiffness, and inflammation of the brain or spinal cord.
Ringworm: A highly contagious fungal infection that is usually spread through direct contact with an infected person or animal or indirect contact. An infected squirrel in your attic can contaminate a variety of objects and surfaces like floors, towels, furniture, and clothing.
Tularemia: Infectious disease that attacks the skin, eyes lymph nodes, and lungs. Common symptoms include fever, chills, headache, ulcers, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and muscle aches.
Leptospirosis: Bacterial infection that causes fever, headache, vomiting, jaundice, and rash.
Rabies: Though rare, sometimes squirrels pass this virus onto humans via biting or scratching.
Squirrels can be hosts to other pests such as fleas, ticks, and mites. These pests can affect people if you are in close contact with squirrels. Ticks can spread diseases like Lyme diseases, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Tulamia. Fleaborne diseases include plague, Flea-borne typhus, and cat scratch disease.
Preventing Squirrel Diseases
The best way to prevent the spread of disease is to avoid contact with squirrels and their waste. We also encourage wearing gloves and masks in the case of an infestations to reduce the possibility of contracting illnesses.
They’re cute little things, but I’d be cautious. At the very least, hang a couple of fly strips, wear gloves while changing their waste contaminated towel at the bottom of their cage, wash hands after handling, disinfect everything they touch.
I’m not a germaphobe, but ….
Huge respect bro
We need to protect this guy at all costs.
A chick called Albert call me
I am not hard to find
You need stop showy
Awww sweet man
Put the milk on some bread and then she can suck it out herself
Thank you for being a good man a good human
….and now I want a squirrel lol TOOOOO CUTE 🙂
What a wonderful man and a wonderful story! Thanks!
I absolutely love this story. Thank you for sharing with the world.
Oh my word!!! Talk about cuteness overload!! ❤
Good bless
For fuxx sake they're just tree rodents with fluffy ears & tails. Once they've been freed, they'll cause no end of damage!
Have no worry there a millions of the big tail rats.
Right. I'm moving to wherever you are just so I can save the squirrels. We don't have them in Australia. They're so bloody adorable
You are the sweetest, kindest man ♥️♥️♥️ Bless your heart!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
You are the sweetest, kindest man ♥️♥️♥️ Bless your heart!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Great job
I gave the ones i raised yougurt. And goats milk. They did not have diarrhea
Any updates on the sheep?
What a life❤
Those little squirrels are adorable. God Bless you for caring for those precious babies.