Most Extreme Lightning Strikes Caught On Camera!

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Lightning strikes are incredible displays of nature’s power! In the blink of an eye, they can explode trees, set fire to terrain or just light up the sky with their immense heat and speed. From incredibly close encounters to lightning inside volcanoes, we take a look at the Most Extreme Lightning Strikes Caught On Camera with all real footage captured from dashcams, CCTV cameras and more!

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0:00 Intro
0:41 Close Encounters
2:10 Getting Struck by Lightning
2:40 Trees vs Lightning
4:32 What Are Lightning Rods?
5:12 Texas vs Florida
6:57 Volcanic Lightning
7:40 Outro


All footage has been licensed and any other footage used is under Creative Commons CC0, CC1, CC2, CC3 or CC4


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About the Author: Naked Science


  1. Direct hit by lightning will give you a new meaning to the word "pain". As it goes through you, all your nerves are thrown onto hyperdrive, & the muscles contract violently. If you survive, you are a changed person. Parts of the body do not work like they did before, due to nerve damage. You will need to learn a new way to do things that were once easy, now no longer.

  2. I’ve had two interesting lightening events in my life. A friend built a home in a forested area which happened to be close to an outcropping if the Canadian Shield, some of the oldest and hardest rock in the world. There was a huge red pine on the side of a small hill close to his house. We were enjoying the light show from the safety of his living room’s floor to ceiling windows when the tree was struck and branches and bark flew. Next day we saw that the tree seemed alive but damaged. The lighting not only split the tree, it also split the iron rich rock for about 2 meters!
    Next one, witnessed “thunder snow”, when electricity is generated by friction of snowflakes in a blizzard, like volcanic lightning and ash. Apparently the event is quite rare and a memory I treasure! 🇨🇦🖖🏻🇨🇦

  3. if youve ever used a brand new shop vac, you understand how volcanic lightning works, the static is crazy and its just particles moving past other particles

  4. Don't know just how rare it is for trees to get hit with lightning & end up on fire internally, but it has happened to several trees on our property in East Tennessee.

  5. My friends and I used to go crabbing with traps off the old now replaced bridge between Howard beach and the broad channel in queens ny when a storm brock out.. we were the highest thing elevation wise , but the bolts were striking the salt water on either side of us as we left everything and ran. I don't know if I have anything else more frightening happen to me in my life.

  6. We’ve had some really bad strikes. More than one tree on our property has been hit., bringing part of the tree down and leaving what’s left burnt. Johannesburg, South Africa.

  7. Just incase you have never come close…

    Lightning once struck a house next to mine whilst i stood outside (Contact was less than 5 meters) during a storm… Not only do you go temporary deaf… you can get hit by residual electricity as it branches out just before and just after striking point. I literately was shocked physically and mentally, i could feel the electricity in my legs and apparently was standing there for about 20-30 seconds after (Felt like hours) before my brain and body kicked back in, i took shelter and processed what just happened. You could also feel the impact, heat and vibrations… it's literately a strike… like something large was just shot at you at great speeds.

  8. Great video, just wish it was longer, pretty sure I swore at each strike, last summer I recorded a video of thousands of lightning flashes that lasted maybe an hour, no sound though, I had never seen anything like it (NE. Oh)

  9. I used to do a lot of back country backpacking and have had a few close calls. The hair raising really can happen and feels like your playing around with an inflated balloon, or for us old people it's like an old tv screen right after you turned it off 😂

    That day lightning hit a tree close enough to us that we could see the bark raining to the ground around it and got a strong smell of boiled and burnt pine sap.

  10. 1:18 she did not "scream". Startled to her core perhaps, it was no scream. "It'll blow your socks off" is a phrase from lightning strikes and warranted. Florida is NOT the lighting capital, Lake Maracaibo is. "…Sci-fi movies…"?
    Art imitates life dear boy. Please, do not sacrifice fact for sensationalism.
    YW, and I have sub'd… some ago.

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