Unbelievable footage | natural disasters caught on camera | Mother Nature Angry

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About the Author: HAARP


  1. Нет ничего прекраснее чем Природа и нет страшнее ее гнева да поможет нам всем Бог и простит нас за тех кто уничтожает природу ради наживы

  2. Matthew 24:27

    “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west;

    so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Repent and seek the Lord for

    remission of sins, believe with all your heart, that Jesus died for you, and was

    buried and ROSE to life on the 3rd day as it is written in the scriptures, believe

    in the Gospel of Salvation, receive Jesus as Lord over your life, be born again

    in Christ and be saved to everlasting life through Christ Jesus alone. 🕊🙏❤
    This is the GOSPEL of CHRIST- John 3:16 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Romans 10:8-10
    Acts 2:38 Believe and be saved.

  3. Attack on one of YHWH children = death attack on YHWH family which is church will delete all trace of evil on earth all means are in-force now, gov officials should be very careful now to not cross red line forcing military action agains fed agencies

  4. You say the end of the world on every video. And what is it about this happening 2 minutes ago? It took you much longer than two minutes to find these videos, edit them, compile them, and upload it to youtube.

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