ABC News Exclusive: Director James Cameron weighs in on Titanic sub incident

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The film director and longtime deep-sea diver and Bob Ballard, the man who first discovered the Titanic wreckage, speak with Whit Johnson.



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About the Author: ABC News


  1. Wow. Well said James. Our existence is at the mercy of nature.. Thank you Dr Ballard for what you have offered all these years.

  2. Titanic was destined to sink and it did and yet we continue to test nature, God, fate, and safety these being the very reasons why the Titanic sank in the first place. In my opinion it should be left alone because further from being a historical site it’s also a massive gravesite and God knows how many souls were lost that day and the amount of souls it still continues to take. Curiosity really does kill the cat.

  3. I work in a fucking Deli and know that you do NOT use composite materials on a hull for deep diving. Everything reacts differently. Which is a no go at that depth. An All carbon fiber hull would have be fine if it was tested and approved. Stupid mofo tried to do everything on the cheap.

  4. 4:35 I love that James Cameron didn’t sugarcoat anything for fear of the media/public and keep it true. Aka: LEAVE THAT MF SHIP ALONE PEOPLE!!….unless you wanna ☠️

  5. Through the use of magic Id raise the titanic to the surface or course if you did do that it would disintegrate most likely unless and hear me out MAGIC 🙌

  6. Best comment I saw on IG was wtf does this guy know? 😂 I think he eventually deleted his account 😂

  7. I watched here you Youtube Ballards initial press conference when he discovered the Titanic in 1985. Him and Cameron are living legends.

  8. Just like you can have all the money in the world but you can’t make it rain in the most drought ridden places on earth.
    Just imagine they could have died on the surface sealed in without air by bolts or died in an implosion. Either way, they had no plan B. “Only the rich make the world delusional to suit themselves”

  9. I dont want to be disrespectful to victims and their families, and I'm sorry for saying this…
    But this smells to me like a perfect opportunity for Cameron, or other film makers, to make a movie based on this. Film directors just wait for tragedies like this (again, not in a bad way, like they wish for that)

  10. Deep diving in the ocean with the sole intent of only viewing things through a porthole is a foolhardy endeavor for ANYONE, even Cameron. ROVs are capable of
    performing almost any function desired including filming, observation and some retrieval. Yea you survived, lucky SOB!

  11. The main Titanic lesson is DONT UNDER-ENGINEER. Titanic sank cos they discounted the possibility of a major hull breach. So they didnt bother with sealed bulkheads. Under-engineering. The water could not be contained. Ii could not NOT sink.

  12. I hate when reporters ask the dumbest question of all. Hey someone you know died a horrible death how has this effected you

  13. With James Cameron the 2 famous shipwrecks he explored were the R.M.S. Titanic and the German BattleShip Bismarck and the 2 documentary programs he did on these 2 ships:
    Ghosts of the Abyss
    James Cameron's Expedition Bismarck
    And I saw both of them and wirh the Bismarck it answered a lot of questions of what happened to that ship as it was now discovered that the wreck proved a lot of what the survivors of that ships crew said was true it wasn't the British that sunk the Bismarck she was sunk by her own crew who placed scuttleling charges at key points in the ships infrastructure and they blew they're own ship up from the inside as the order to abandon ship was given.

  14. President Biden is a very, very BAD MAN! His whole family is corrupt! Biden finally got his DREAM to be President OF the USA …the HIGHEST HONOR and he has turned his back on the American people…that support our country…small businesses. farmers, cattle and chicken producers, etc that feed our country…had left them out to dry in exchange of allegiance to the newly WEIRD and DANGEROUS GROUPS?! Biden feels kinship, wants to support, fake love these WEIRD and CRIMINAL GROUPS that have developed in the year 2020…. BLM, ANTIFA, PRIDE, LGBTQ, now the DRAG QUEENS want in; worst of ALL is this SICK, demented groups called TRANSGENDER…. They coming after “LITTLE KIDS!” Transgender club is about welcoming, sneaking in pedophiles. This is SICK, SCARY STUFF!
    What Leader, like a DAD of a family, a leader of a a GREAT COUNTRY would associate with these kind of people?! These people, sad to say are Americans, really traitors of this country along with our President, FBI, DOJ, CIA and some of our Military! It DOESN’T MAKE SENSE TO ME! I do NOT feel protected or safe for the first time in my life!
    I’m embarrassed to say, but I will; I didn’t pay attention to politics until I was in my late forties. Someone called me out on it…I swore to myself that “I WILL NEVER BE IGNORANT AGAIN!” I will READ…all and everything available to know how my government works, all the sections, divisions and the players.
    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see, feel WE have VERY, VERY BAD PEOPLE in USA government running the show….they are drinking the Koolaide and we know there is BIG MONEY INVOLVED! Kind of like the MAFIA and mirrors HITLER…except he fed the military COCAINE, our today BAD GUYS get millions of money! The Media has been so noticeable in following the Democrats Scam…so arrogant too.
    The worst of all is that AMERICANS that are Democrats/Liberals , our schools, colleges and our Media are going along with this PERVERSION…trying to convince THE NORMAL, the quiet audience/members/other Americans into believing, accepting this TREASON against us and their country?!

  15. A lot of people were criticizing James Cameron for his comments, but he made a solo record breaking dive to 35600 feet and has made 30 successful dives to the titanic and has done so in submarines that he has designed. He’s right in everything he has said, he highly intelligent and incredibly diligent on safety and redundant plans.

  16. This is just my two cents, but this Titan was crushed like a beer can. Had the hull been built with five support rings instead of just two, its construction would not have collapsed so easily.

  17. A lot of people are unaware that James Cameron has dived to Titanic more than 30 times. In addition to being considered an elite deep sea expert, he also advanced the technology in order to do so. He designed his own submersible that took him into the Mariana Trench in 2012 which made him the first person to do it solo (and only 1 of 3 to have ever done it up to that point). So, if it sounds like he knows what he's talking about in this interview, he does — Furthermore, Cameron is friends with Robert Ballard, the oceanographer who discovered Titanic

  18. If God had intended humans to be able to explore the depths of that ocean he'd have made us capable of surviving in it. I don't care how thick of steel/titanium/carbon fiber/iron/strongest material on the planet you make a vessel out of, and I don't care how many hours/days/weeks worth of oxygen supply you equip it with, there ain't no way, not for twice all of the money in the world, you'd EVER get me near that damn thing. Send robotic cameras down to take all the pictures and video you want of the Titanic, Lord knows we have the technology for 4k resolution video under water at that depth. But no way should any human be going down there. Sheesh.

  19. Any deep sea submersible fit for humans shouldn't even be allowed off land officially until its been certified in its entirety. It wasnt built in international waters so how is this not a rule or law that people are forced to abide by . It seems there were plenty of educated people who knew this was being built and advised of its flaws……but they still went and did it ,and now they are dead.

    You cant J walk but you can do that..?? Wtf

  20. Being a Titanic THS member, I've been very familiar with Dr Ballard's work and viewpoints, and respect him wholeheartedly. And, James Cameron is another one to put your faith into. Wish OceanGate had listened to the experts. 💙🖤💙

  21. Let me get this straight – James Cameron visits the Titanic on multiple occasions, but is a hero and validated because he makes a movie that makes a billion dollars. Billionaires visit the Titanic site because they too are interested in seeing it, but they're greedy billionaires? I get that the sub was shotty but the double standard here is ridiculous

  22. It’s weird that we are all so interested in this. Is it the memes? The brutality and unforgivable nature of the ocean?

  23. I am fascinated with the ocean.
    Same with outer space.
    "Life in space is impossible"-
    opening quote from the movie Gravity.
    Actress William Shatner took a flight up near the barrier of earths upper atmosphere on Jeff Bezos' spacecraft.
    What he experienced shook him up.
    "Down there is Life!" (The Earth)
    "Up there is Death!" (Outer space). He declared.
    The ocean and outer space.

    Both demand our respect.

    William Shatner has his.
    Unfortunately Ross Stockton lost his…

  24. The news is really milking this story,sheesh from day one they knew the people were dead but acted like they didn't

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