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About the Author: Markiplier


  1. The game is telling you to stay quiet, everything about it, and Mark just runs around and blows everything up. When I played I died very early on because I accidentally wound up my flashlight. Mark's luck is insane man.

  2. Mark seriously bumbled his way forward, doing the most riskiest options on a whim, and he got through almost flawlessly, its such a Markiplier thing. Such a Markiplier experience, he executed his first step in his escape in which I could only describe as poking a killer hornet's nest, and he somehow found honey in it. The legend is real…!

  3. My childhood i missed watching you and now i remembered after old videos I've had watched you were hurt many times and also dod go kart as mario with yoir friends i missed you and love your videos and how much joy you bring me

  4. The German soldier is basically pleading for his life, that he doesn’t wanna die like this, and my personal favorite “a devil… a devil for the French devils”
    Very interesting touch! Very sad

  5. I love how somehow, the monster is managing to stay just out of sight while only revealing parts of itself like a perfect horror movie

  6. Nope, I played this for like 30 minutes and when I crossed the area where there is a trip wire that thing came out and I ran back to the save area. Haven't played since.

  7. Since it doesn't matter anymore, the monster only leaves the hole once you turn the wheel, Emergency locked off. Yes mark you are looking mightily handsome today 😆

  8. God I can't wait for the next episode!!

    I accidentally played quite a but further😅 but I can't wait to see your reaction!

    Hope your eyes heal up soon btw!

  9. Hhhh, wishing for the days where Maro wasn’t so distracted by the million and one projects he’s doing, so he could actually pay attention to the games he plays. His vapid incompetency is beyond something you can blame an elitist for picking at. The fucker forgets the main characters name despite it saying ME right next to it. The guy does NOT pay attention anymore and it’s hard to believe he actually enjoys himself when he is playing. It seems like he’s just trying to put out what he THINKS people want to see, while his other passion projects are what HE wants people to see.

    Mark no longer enjoys games, they are work, it’s obvious is his gameplay and commentary, his real passions are his side projects.

    It’s important because his gameplay videos suffer as a result

  10. This game is coded like garbage. I throw 3 fucking meats at 2 rats and they don’t fucking care. Which wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t blocking the fucking way to the next objective and these idiots at fuck-nuts incorporated made it so the rats act like a physical wall and complexly halt your movement and you can’t even really jump over them. It’s ruining the game for me because I keep getting stuck trying to get to the fucking chapel, but the rats in the tunnel only SOMETIMES go for the meat I throw

  11. It funny how he keeps saying where are the bullets but if you think about the soldiers, probably used most of them in vain then again I’d be searching for them to

  12. Just a heads up, but "Sdt." does not mean sergeant, but is the abbreviation for the French rank "soldat," which is basically a private. These guys are the lowest rank, they still have to become corporals before they become sergeants.

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