Former US Navy Captain David Marquet tells TalkTV that people should not expect to find any remains following the deaths aboard the Titan submersible.
He warned that people underestimate the power of the sea, and speaking about the damage caused by an underwater implosion in the depths of the ocean he said: “I hate to say it but there’s no bodies to recover. The implosion is so rapid.”
When they say catastrophic implosion, it is a instantaneous destruction of the vessel and an instantaneous death for everyone on board.”
James Cameron says he is “struck by the similarity” of the Titan submersible tragedy and the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.
The Hollywood director said many in the deep submergence engineering community had been “deeply concerned” about the OceanGate Expeditions craft that was reported missing on Sunday.
Cameron, who directed 1997 Oscar-winning film Titanic, has designed and built similar submersibles and had himself visited the wreckage of the famous ocean liner 33 times.
OceanGate announced on Thursday that the pilot and four passengers of the missing Titan submersible were believed to be dead.
The tail cone was found around 1,600ft from the bow of the Titanic, which sank in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912.
They all turned into a septillion particles of ocean flavouring for the fish, much like water flavouring, next time you eat fish just think you will be tasting one of these guys 🤣
And they pId big money ????????????????????????
YALL Ned a.lawer I know one
The Titanic is cursed! Whether or not humans of the 21st century accept it.
There are things that not even this fast current of civilization can change, and the Titanic's curse is one of them!
You don't think a ship that sunk over 1000 humans to their death in the icy, cold waters of the north Atlantic ocean on its maiden voyage after a short embrace with an iceberg, alongside a slew of hushy hushy rumours of a curse due to blasphemy on God's name, that has trailed it for more than a century now, has no curse attached to it?
Why have we refused to learn from history? How many lives has the Tiitanic taken all these years? Even as it lays as a relic and grave yard, thousands of feet below the Atlantic? How many? Have we not been counting? Why do we skip our history classes and feel that it won't repeat itself?
The sooner humans of this century and beyond learn to leave the Titanic alone, the better for us all. Dunno what's fuelling this recent let's-go-see-Titanic fever? But we should leave her alone, and her secrets along with her too.
I'm however very sad about the mishap and loss of lives.
If anyone watched the 2020 movie "underwater", It shows exactly what happens to structures & people under deep water pressure. They sid thw scenes vwry well & it is graphic. The movie takes place in the Mariana trench, a drill station implodes and a guy put on a cracked helmet before going outside into water. He himself imploded. Obviously its a movie but what happened to the structures and people in the film are exactly what happened here. Well…Minus the sea monsters.
There was no implosion here.
Either an explosion in the Titan allowed the sea to enter or sea pressure caused the Titan to break up and that is not an implosion or an explosion. The sea does not explode or implode!
There might be a tremendous inrush of sea, but that is not an implosion nor an explosion.
An implosion is the generation of energy inwards not outwards, and the contents of the Titan could not generate that kind of energy. If the sea were imploding it would stay where it is and suck the Titan into it.
An implosion might draw things into it, but only because the direction of its energy is the reverse of an explosion’s.
If an air-filled balloon loses its size it is because the air pressure inside it has been reduced allowing the outside air to replace the air lost till inside and outside pressures are the same.
If the balloon is pricked or in some way internally exploded then it could collapse entirely, but there is no implosion involved.
It’s oddly comforting to hear that the death was instantaneous and not a slow, painful one. Imagine being stuck in the abyss for hours knowing there’s no way out of this
Plus it's not there's no bodies, correct English is THERE'RE NO BODIES…OR THERE ARE, NOT THERE IS, when speaking of plural subject…
Oh ppl are just saying any and everything… there are remains and large bits of wreckage
The implosion at those depth would crush the longs and bones, so no human body could be recovered.
So very sad the life's that are lost. RIP😅
This is literally the ONLY person who has had the balls to tell the reporter and the nation that there are no in tact bodies left.
insta death is what they say BUT maybe not was too fast! it goes shrinking slowly til IMPLOSION!
In case anyone wondered how slow ocean evolution is to humans.
In 1923, there was the Titanic on the sea floor. Cost the lives of a thousand people. Hundred years later, 2023, the Titanic is on the ocean floor with a Rubiks Cube. The Rubiks Cube cost another 5 lives.
And the only thing the humans came to collect was the wreckage of the submersible to investigate it and work out how to do exactly the same thing again more safely.
Nothing dumb and arrogant about that. It’s evolution, baby.
As much as MAN wants to know about the deep sunken Titanic, other deep areas of the oceans, the high climbing Mt. Everest (RIP those who have died climbing this mountain), Maldives Mountains, Mount Baldy (RIP Julian Sands), and all the other dangerous excursions of the world, please try to find pleasure in the simple pleasures/things n life to stay safe/alive. LIFE is WAY TOO PRECiOUS/VALUABLE. Some desires/fantasies should remain as such when risking /losing your life is involved. Some expeditions should not be allowed and some areas left unchartered. Leave well enough alone. My condolences to the families. My head is still spinning trying to comprehend why? Clearly, regardless of how much rich $$$ we have, I would be livid if my husband took this excursion. Let alone, take our son. Not happening, if I have a voice in the matter. Neither one would go with my blessing, or being in agreement.
Well.. at least it saves money on cremation.
A very smart way to kill muslim Billionaire and his son. To acquire their richness. Maybe an Iluminati plan. 🤔
And they recovered the bodies…..👀
Beginning to hear different stories about this
A boatload of migrants goes down and not a damn thing said about it. But a few rich billionaire whities in a poorly built coffin down a hole gets world wide coverage.
Now hear me out. What if this wasn't an accident. A small device placed in a location nobody would find it. Then boom. Perfect way to get rid of someone. Everyone will say it was an accident. Nobody will think murder. No body's no evidence. 🤯
Hamburger meat
basically the ocean reclaim a small pocket of air stockton defaulted on.
Wait, so it implodes, everything inside is crush and bodies turns to jello and explodes and fire everywhere and water surge in.ALL OF THIS BEFORE YOU CAN TURN THE LIGHTS ON WITH A SWITCH. ?..? So they did not even register the implosion or anything else and they were gone.
I wish Joe Biden was on board !
If the sub imploded and its as hot as the sun inside how did they find human remains?? Should there be nothing from inside sub
There was a lot of propaganda from over weight youtube couch analylist stating that bodies were vaporized which is not true, body parts have been found in the wreckage.
This would of never happened if they would of not took it down. It had multible problems with the sub, how foolish
They've brought up large intact pieces of the submersible in ADDITION to human remains. The stupid play station controller even survived. We have very little factual evidenxe of what happens to items thay deep
Well, now we will see how this interview will hold it´s theory..!! No bodies??
I saw on the news remains were found
Madness going on that bathtub of a thing in the first place….
Then why did the news say remains were found?🤔
And here we are with reports today that "presumed human remains" have been recovered