After a grappler net was used to immobilize the suspect vehicle, two teens inside the car were detained and cited.
After a grappler net was used to immobilize the suspect vehicle, two teens inside the car were detained and cited.
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This is the end results of a post pandemic- pandemic. Bunch of braindead idiots
Reporter named Chase Golightly covering use of a grappler to catch a street racer — that's ironic.
Street Racing and Street Takeovers are two different things, news reporters should do their research before accusing the wrong people. The clowns who do burnouts, donuts, and stupid stunts like hanging out the side of their cars and hurting others. Those guys are called Street Takeovers, they are the real criminals, and they need to be stopped. Street Racing is about driving your cars in a straight line and testing out your speed against others. So now cops are using grapplers, I guess they want be just like Batman and Robin. We should be focusing on a new goal, trying to legalize Street Racing in a safer way. Build some new roads and freeways, close them off to the public and let the Speed Demons race their Tuner cars in peace. The police can take away their cars, but they will never take away the spirit of the racer's. The public needs to do some homework and realize the Street Racing has been around since the 1950's, stop being afraid and learn to accept the car culture. Street Racing is the future and hopefully, it will get legalized in a safer way sometime during the next 7 years.
That is not street racing. Stop calling it street racing . Cars that race don't do donuts. Learn ya facts before you call it street racing
Still not doing enough.
Bunch of boot lickers in here.
Doing donuts is NOT "racing"!
These kind people are giving us real racers a bad name. SMH
Going in circles IS NOT street racing. Local news educate yourself on what street racing is.
Where are the street racers in the video i didnt see them i watched 99 times
Tap my car im will sue the city
Good, Fantastic. Now other law enforcement agencies need to follow suit. I'm sick and tired of these little bastards seeing one film of the fast and furious franchise, the thinking their a professional stunt driver taking to the STREETS and causing accidents. EVERY DAMN DAY. Accidents that are all too often life changing or even fatal to the innocent victims involved. I'm sick of these selfish ignorant little bastards, acting like they own the streets AND roadways and that the laws don't apply to them.
I'm also sick of the mentally and overboard "politically correct" 🐂💩 of "well we can't let law enforcement chasing bcuz then THAT'S going to cause an accident"
These little bastards are already closing for too many accidents day after day after day if the police were allowed to chase them, or we're given the proper tools to stop these little bastards such as this grappling device there'd be LESS horrible crashes on the roadways. It's called evading when they run and they should be charged with that too. If other vehicles intentionally interfere to prevent the police from chasing and apprehending them, that's obstruction possibly even assault on a peace officer depending on how they intervene.
Get these dangerous participation trophy generation, dangerous wannabe Little 💩s OFF the streets.
They should lose their license for at least 10 years for getting caught racing on the streets and roadways.
This "Street Racing" isn't street racing… It looks to me like doing donuts and burn outs in the middle of an intersection…
Certainly not condoning what they are doing, throw the book at em…
But again this isn't street racing… 🤨🤷🏼♂️
This is partly our fault because lack of demand of panelty or enforcement due to age or youth…🥶🥶🥶🥶
Glad something positive for law enforcement therefore saving innocent lives..😢😢😢😢
Doing doughnuts is not racing. I'm not saying it's safe or fun or right. A race is completely not this.
Folks they call that drifting and smoke show thanks hope you all have a wonderful blessed night
Awesome. Would like to see this happen 1,000 times for starters.
solutions = open tracks not incarceration
well done for not chasing!
They do the racing on the street behind behind the empty FRYS ELECTRONICS store on Baseline too.
This crap is obviously ok in California. Not here.
Life in jail for anyone involved in a "takeover".
Baseline and gilbert… talk about a terrible area gang that's where the cops the hottest @
Talks real tuff on camera but off camera all they did was “detain and cited”
Years ago they would confiscate your car and auction it off for street racing. America needs to wake up and realize that this soft on crime BS doesn’t work.
I was actually involved in street racing in 2000-2007… these kids are not street racing they a need a good kick in the pants
Make it even stricter
Stop releasing them.
Out of curiosity, what are Phoenix police officers doing enforcing the law in the city of Mesa?
That kid wasn't even driving a fast car😂 you guys try to pin everything on us street racers. We smoke the police when try to oppress us, we oveepower them.FTP!
Hard heads gonna mess up a wet dream to get attention hanging out the window of a brothers car!
People involved with ACTUAL street racing do everything in their power to avoid populated areas and main roads. Whether you agree with ACTUAL street racing or not, the ones doing it take every precaution possible to keep it as safe as possible and far away from the general population.
I want a grappler!! 😂😂
Confiscate cars arrest drivers. Full penalty of the law. Public crushing of the car.
This isn't street racing.Why not just pull them over? Grappler device and guns drawn for doing donuts?
It's really unfortunate that people
are not smart enough to know this has nothing to do with street racing . Bunch of slow poverty spec cars .
Those aren't "street racers" those are Jerry's kids. There's a major difference. With that said all those idiots should be arrested.
Back in the late seventies and early eighties when I was a young driver, the cops were damned serious about this kind of behavior. They’d impound your car and take your license for a long time. Makes me sick to see crap happening on public streets without repercussions.
What I hear is they weren’t fast enough 🥴😂
Impound the vehicles and destroy them, don’t part them out don’t let any of the speed equipment or any of that! It will cost them more money in the long run! As long as they are getting their cars back there is no deterrent.
I’m from Tucson. F*** Mesa you bunch of idiots have nothing better going on I guess.
You can race what ya brought at speedways here in the valley. Its drag racing..They have weeknight and weekday times. Yoy would think with all the open parking lots in sturggling malls etc. That a buisness minded owner qould charge at the wntrance to let these people gather. Take the money sign a waiver. Go do donuts etc ! Jusy get it off public streets. Theres money to be made and its safer. Better than an empty parking lot generating nothing at all..
Its automatic expulsion of your license here in Nevada for racing.
Awe just throw beer & wine bottles into the street! That will fix it!
Need tougher penalties. Upgrade it to felony with 30 days in county jail.
They got their mommys car impounded. 😂😅