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About the Author: Cody-2-Good -ECSF-


  1. I haven't seen one guy who knows how to punch on here yet you gotta put your body into it cork screw that arm when you jab duck tuck your head in your shoulder these guys are really really bad at punching even compared to the usual guys on ecsf

  2. cant fight for shit, throwin windmills just hoping they can land 1 hit, muthafuk the east side fuk the west side im from my side, where im from these blokes would make a good punching bag

  3. all you key board warriors stfu you guys are calling them pussies and can't fight when you guys are saying this in saftey of your own home so when you guys say fight me the person can't.

  4. haha ive been in multiple, rather then talk shit ill give cuntructive critasisum, where are the quick jabs at? those are effective as fuck if you can fight half these kids dont know what there doing, some or scrappy. im not just talking meaningless shit here. now nick best i think it was that kid could scrap, threw quick jabs and got the best of that jacked kid in stand up. that was tight i liked his style. not trying any crazy shit. boxed him, ground and pound fought just like me, you need more

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