Idiots In Cars – Idiots In Cars | Idiots In Cars
Idiots In Cars / Idiots In Cars ~ Idiots In Cars Caught On Dash Cam
We believe this footage can be used as an educational and informational guide for viewers to analyze and evaluate situations to prevent any future incidents or mishaps! Also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it’s free and you can always change your mind. Enjoy the video.
Submit your dash cam footage / contact for removal: whtdashcam@gmail.com
All videos are used with owners permission and all the rights belong to their respective owners.
Special thanks to these dash cam owners who submitted their clips:
Colin M.
Jairo G.
Bill J.
Car cuts off semi truck…almost gets creamed. – https://youtu.be/EhWj9GzMRuk
VW Atlas (Front Camera) – T Bone Collision – https://youtu.be/2XJ-7S7lXlI
I Was Rear Ended – https://youtu.be/bJg_FLNetx8
White Van Muppet Near Miss – https://youtu.be/mmNtIPIJTcI
Rear Ended stopping for an ambulance – https://youtu.be/af-wXjswaDI
Lady rear ends me whilst texting & driving – https://youtu.be/fnrK9FbrQoc
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Submit your dash cam footage: whtdashcam@gmail.com
1:49 wouldnt call him an idiot, just a nice arse save
Also 4:23, youre also a tool for laying on your horn
I don’t know why but the “well then” at 1:23 sent me into a fit of laughter😂😭
I know where 0:22 is at
If my heart rate goes up while watching these, does that count as exercise?
1:40 No Excuse If your tired pull over and sleep 😡
7:50 perfect timing with the song, that person didn't gaf to run the red light
8:30 i don't think they were anticipating you slamming on the brakes like that, I never understand why people in these videos insist on slamming on the brakes and staying harms way as long as possible. get outta the way!
2:00 sounds like that pufferfish
Driving tired is driving impaired might as well be drunk
8:45 whats with Walter JR in the back seat lol
5:45 why am I not surprised that it’s an idiot driving a Mustang going that fast.
1:53 Monkey Noises
First video is def a Karen alert you seen how she got mad cause she thought the road was hers
0:47 truck drives 110 km/h much too fast.
"You accidentally Scammed"
Car gets Hitt
"David bowie starts to play"
The correct order is BRAKES, then HORN. Jesus.
1:25 $2.89 a GALLON?!
8:50 gotta say its really weird binge watching these videos when one pops up of the neighbourhood/main road intersection you drive through every day
1:54. “Ögh oHh Ôhg”
@ 8:00 The driver saw the truck's signal and then sped up, what was the point?
1:50 😂 I laughed so hard but he handled that like a CHAMP. Big truck and tons of cars and houses and he nails it
It's almost NOT shocking as to how many narcissistic, egotistical pricks are allowed to drive giant piles of steel, plastic, glass and fuel around. 🙄
I really hope that ONE DAY, automatic collision-prevention systems get implemented into all vehicles. That way, they can react in milliseconds and prevent poor decisions (driven by egos and emotions).
Mr. Madsen is a tad over dramatic.
I live by 87th and Cicero and no one uses the word “whilst”. It’s the south side if Chicago! Not London!
3:20 thats 3 idiots scrolling thru their FB feed.
Everything in that first clip looks the exact same it had them in a trance. Terrible neighborhood
5:04 Me in Forza trying to get those Ultimate Near Miss skills
I kinda feel in these videos and the series idiots in cars, a lot but not all of these incidents could be avoided by the "victim" instead of slamming their brakes and honking the horn should evade the situation and avoid the accident even though it wasn't their fault.
2:10 where are you?? sure isn’t SoCal – you can get away with that 24-7
I'll never understand how ppl can drive in the wrong direction on major highways, they must drive around thinking everyone else is an idiot especially the ppl who put up the signs backwards 0_o
Holy crap 5:03 …my spirit just jumped out of my body for a second LOL! I'm glad you're okay, man!!
People who capture accidents on their dashcams and stop to give the video to insurance/police even if they are not involved are the best
I love these idiots who are too damned lazy to brush the snow off their cars. 😡
2:03 running a stop sign right in front of a police officer.
Person at 4:50 was very dramatic. Could have changed lanes but instead decided to be a dick also and honk at the truck excessively.
1:53 I laughed so hard at the OHs 🤣