Idiots In Cars – Idiots In Cars | Idiots In Cars
Idiots In Cars / Idiots In Cars ~ Idiots In Cars Caught On Dash Cam
We believe this footage can be used as an educational and informational guide for viewers to analyze and evaluate situations to prevent any future incidents or mishaps! The purpose of this video is to raise awareness and learn from other’s driving mistakes. Also only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you end up liking this video consider subscribing it’s free and you can always change your mind. Enjoy the video.
Submit your dash cam footage / contact for removal: whtdashcam@gmail.com
All videos are used with owners permission and all the rights belong to their respective owners.
Special thanks to those who submitted their dash cam videos:
Jeff Jones.
Mamoun J.
David Sh.
Car rear ended. – https://youtu.be/XsvY0qKhSAs
A close call while driving home from the beach – https://youtu.be/an7PlIGVu1M
That was close – https://youtu.be/1nBtEk4dHhw
Brake Check – https://youtu.be/DofHm1srbUM
Garmin 7/01/2022 (road rage ensued) – https://youtu.be/qE13GJfoPHM
Impatient van causes a wreck – https://youtu.be/QlZs6JriRx0
Hit and Run Incident 7/7/22 – https://youtu.be/Z_rJv9ONc6Y
Idiot driver / defensive reaction – https://youtu.be/BhK2-DuxVPs
Idiot pulls out in front of me (MISSED HIM BY TWO FEET) PORT LAVACA, TEXAS – https://youtu.be/O6bfK7ZLCJ8
Bad Driver – https://youtu.be/XqffU46wZxo
Road Rage – https://youtu.be/amOkejK6vF8
Submit your footage: whtdashcam@gmail.com
Idiots In Cars
At 7:30 both drivers were not at fault. The Honda driver was purely at fault. Whoever put that text on there needs to watch it again.
The two in Hartford…the SUV was not at fault…the car cut him off.
3:44 looks like that car was trying to get out of the emergency vehicle’s way, and you’re just ignoring it entirely. You’re the idiot here
2:25 That's not instant karma; That's someone running from the police.
3:33 Oh come off it, he was no where near you and he was yielding to an ambulance! Get over yourself, you wanker
im still surprised that idiot was not yeilding to the turn while his dog is in the back of his truck bed
Definitely not a fan of cars parking in the street either especially when the sun gets so bright, you can’t see anything in front of you
can someone explain to me why 99% of these are by women in shitty ford pickups?
3:55 lmfaoooo what kind of a truck are you driving that a fucking Nissan Murano gets passed you
Whenever I see "Mile High Driver Guy" I know it's going to be stupid
2:58 the truck can only turn so sharp has nothing to do with experience. Did they choose a bad time to do it? yes.
6:12 kinda funny to be honest, They both see the truck with its turn signal on so you both speed up and try to block them from getting over because you're afraid it might delay you 10 seconds.
3:37 Keep your ego in check buddy. Because someone else made a dumb move, you think it’s a good idea to now put people at risk because YOU want to be first? Grow up!
5:11 Honestly, karma. That’s what you get for being dumb and going too fast.
1:01 actually no lights is supposed to mean you can go. They’re removing some stoplights around where I live and replacing them with 2-way stop signs since one road is way busier than the one intersecting it. All they do is turn the lights off and sometimes cover them up. What they’re supposed to do if it’s broken and they want people to treat it like a stop sign is have a blinking red light.
@1:56 I never thought I’d see a place I knew in these! You can see a Krispy Kreme and there’s a Micro Center on the Cammer’s left. Going down Old Norcross RD going through Peachtree Hill RD you can see some dumb drivers, granted it’s a given there’s no shortage of crazy drivers in Georgia.
imagine flooring your car and a nissan murano still passes you lmao
0:50 One more reason we need more roundabouts and fewer signals; they work as normal when the power fails.
3:33 Cammer obviously doesn't know the difference between the brake and the gas since he speeds up when the guy gets in front of him then aggressively passes, speeds up and tries to block the other driver. I like that he says in the beginning "Road Rage ensues," yeah, your own road rage.
1:03 This reminds me of the only "accident" i had, but the cops here blamed me saying "You are 100% right, but you are to blame". I asked them to elaborate, so they said:
"There are absolutely no signs in this intersection, which means that the 'right hand side rule' applies (basically, the one on the right always has the right of way unless defined otherwise by the signs or traffic light). And yes, the direction you came from has poor visibility on your right and you didn't even see her until you entered the intersection, but by that time it was too late. You reacted; we see you were standing still at the moment she hit you and we see you hit the brakes as soon as you saw her. She, on the other hand, didn't even touch her brakes. She saw you, based on angle, way before you saw her. She could have pressed the horn to let you know there is another car in the intersection, but she didn't. She could have also swerved a bit to the right and avoid you no problem, she had a lot of room to do it, but she didn't (she hit me in my right front indicator, right next to headlight, which basically means she grazed me). You did everything to avoid it once you saw her, she panicked and did nothing, there are no signs whatsoever and you don't see your right hand side until you enter… But, the rules say, the one on the right has the right of way"!
Let's just say I wasn't very happy with the explanation… Then the cop said "You're only way to fight this is to admit now that you are to blame and let your insurances deal with this… Luckily, none of you was driving fast and the damage is minor. Then, get a lawyer and sue the services that are supposed to put some signs here" (meanwhile, a lot of people living there gathered and they told the cops that stuff like this happens a lot her and there were several close calls every day). But, this happened in Serbia, where it is basically impossible to win a case against a state-owned company because we have no independent courts of law and they automatically bring verdicts in favor of the state, even when deaths are involved and they are obviously guilty as hell… So I accepted the blame, covered the damage through insurance and shrugged it all off… But am a bit sour, up to this day about it!
4:36 Song lyrics here were on point