Two Idiots almost lose it all as dotodoya and I continue our Pokemon journey… This one gets intense.
Edited by Yakotrick:
Tweets by yakotrick
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Until the next one, catch me here:
Tweets by SeeReax
This episode hurt.
Dotos wheeze gets me everytime
10 mins of fighting huntail mf looks like my grandma in the morning when she puts her dentures in 😂
What is this music??? 22:54
and the legend of chef ends, rip chef…
Does anyone know the song that plays at 22:27 during the Misty fight? It sounds too good.
Song list?
What's the outro music he used?
Music choices for this episode were impeccable, I heard so many of my favorite songs I started wondering if I was responsible for selecting them in a dream or something
And ending with the legendary theme??? chef’s kiss
The fact you used Gitaroo music is A1 like nobody in the USA knows about that amazing game~
bro my charizard caried my team
Can anyone tell me what is the name of the outro music. Thank you in advance 🙂
just fyi Geodude is 4x weak to water moves which is why it got destroyed by bubblebeam
ending for this ep was legendary
RIP Folder
Ay WTF Gitaroo Man Music and Under Night Music?????
All that training just for bower and woo to solo
Deion: "Oh! Only one pokemon too!"
Girl scout: "Go train in the Crown Tundra bitch!" 😈😈👺👹
"Can't put the blame on me"
Yes….yes he can
These intros are amazing wtf
I want to play this ROM
the first comment I see is doto going this episode hurt and i'm just like, oh no seereax what did you do?
Day 4 of the solo soullink so far its just me and Hyper taking on the entire region
AND MY LUCK HAS TURNED I GOT LUGIA(nick named BOWER) YESSSSSS you guys better not get those pokemon killed or ima be VERY upset (linked to slimy and faith)
OMG LADY LUCK BE GIVIN TONIGHT i got a metagross (nicknamed Arms) and i gotta say Hyper is loving her new friends so ducksworth and pinky better live
not gonna lie i cooked Misty like it was no competition ima one hit wonder
thus the end of cerulean city honestly while i lost a bit i gained ALOT was able to get two god-like pokemon on my team and i ain't worried at all now about anything in my way however my one worry is the souls that are linked to those two well time will only tell in Day 5
I was eating ceral when they found the twisted spoon
What’s the song playing at minute 23?! I can’t place what it’s from and it’s driving me crazy
4:18. 12:17. 15:43. 17:47
The gitarooman OST?
Chef went to sleep for another 1,000 years
whats the song at 3:11 please 🙂
Why is this the greatest series on Youtube right now and how did it take me so long to figure out you two were doing this?!
Bro when they both saw huntail, I’m weak af lmaooo
Is that Hollow Knight music I hear? 🧐
When the huntail has legendary rate for catching 😭😂
You guys should play TemTem after this for another really cool coop soullink type deal ! <3 very cool video though !
so far ive seen doto gets like these adorable pokemon while deion get the goofy ugly as sin ones
Honestly loving the use of Hollow Knight music!
Dude this one hurt my heart super bad watching this one so many Pokémon lost their lives today but it’s OK I know you guys will be all right
Can’t lie I wish you boys uploaded this a little more but everything y’all touch is golden appreciate all of the idiots every time I get into a dark place I just throw on a mario party video and forget the trouble for the day
This persona 5 music tho
This music at the end slaappsss someone tell me the songgss
How do you play this?
this is so unbelievably fire, and i thought the soul link was dead in 2019.
i really like the hollow knight music in the vid 😀
and the vid was kinda cool too, i guess