Strong words said from an upset driver at end… Full run and re run leads to a crash and a very angry driver, you can hear it in his voice behind the scenes.
Strong words said from an upset driver at end… Full run and re run leads to a crash and a very angry driver, you can hear it in his voice behind the scenes.
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6:27 "I told them no" so Denofa leaves him alone and goes straight for the team. Chelsea seems like he trusts Stuke so he goes off on who likely made the actual protest, his team.
the wall distracted him, his team is about to cry on the radio
Tbh the sport needed this drama I’ve never been so interested in FD battle till now
I just became a fan of Denofa today! I love that he called them out for pulling such a bitch move. And Dookie wrecking is what they deserved! 🤙
In Lehman’s terms Chelsea pretty much said “skill issue, git gud”
I think they should’ve done another re-run. Obviously Denofa’s car camera wiggled just before stuke smashed into a wall. Not fair
Bro I woulda been right there with you like “yeah I got those 2 let’s go!!!” Your the man CD the motherfucker! Hats off bro hats offff!
"Pack your shit in the trailer, fuck you!" What a savage. 😆
Daaamn, I listened Stuke's Formula Drift interview and he seemed a very nice guy. I hope it's not his decision.
Stuke is a cry baby cause he knew he lost so wanted to protest to get the win
If more shit like this happened maybe I’d actually watch FD lol.
Super competitive sports are going to have this situation. Chelsea was in the right 100%, just my .02
Yo how did this mans not get into a fight right there😂
Denofa doesn’t play no games 🫡
When u so trash u try anything to get ur opponent’s run to not count lol
I totally agree with him . But the judges are like watch this and made him lose to some 1 like Adam lz to piss him iff
Denofa’s just got that dog in him
hahah LOVE HIM MORE NOW!!! hes amazing he loves the sport and it shows
Karma at it's finest
Fd the rules are becoming stupider dean got screwed also
Denofa the most crying driver in FD. ”Im here to have fun, not to win..” and for ppl like me follliwing FD since Denofa started in it, knows that this aint the case. Cuz as soon stuff dosnt go his princess way, he cry as a bitch round after round, but on Big social media he tries to look like a calm cool surfer dude who dosnt give a fuck about royalties..
I use to be a Denofa fan, but after seeing him cry on other platforms and channels, u get the real perspectiv of him, and i dosnt even think his attitude towards the sport and as an PRO driver should not even be aloud in the series anymore. Act like a PRO and a man, not like a bitching teenager. Dosnt look good for the sport and the team his in.
Chelsea went off n bitcheddd all of them WHAT A DAWGGG
I dont think anybody was hitting zone 1 n 2 like chelsea the whole comp ….LZ had hella angle ngl but his transition from one to 2 wasn't no where near Denofa
Getting a W after a OMT from Chelsea, The success rate about 5% you not winnin shii😂😂😂😂
Man i love chelsea lmao that was seriously the pettiest call ever because they couldn't accept a loss
^^^^ Even more on Stuke running into another FD driver after the run!
Ball don’t lie 😂
Watching this unfold on Instagram and seeing him trash the team, was straight hilarious. Trashes them, they protest, trashes them to start as they nail the wall, then smokes them just for fun the rest of the run
Everyone looks stupid. Stukes team for calling the protest. RTR for not latching 1 of 4 latches. Stuke for putting it in the wall and finally Chelsea snapping and even going over to complain.
I understand why you would be pissed about it but I want to go to that instead at the end of the day everybody spinning their wheels