I just had to get it off my chest.. for over an hour. I couldn’t stop sighing during the LOA ON https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVmP8SSFCcY
:arrow_forward: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpDcj6E73QeFkmqk7gH5wxA/join
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#LostArk #로스트아크
I can’t believe it took me one hour to vent but my blood was boiling had to do it bois
seems they want 100k players global
if they want newer players, they have to do a fresh server. thats it.
Lost ark doomer game
They need to stop forcing players to do dailies x5 times. Period
The ppl at peak item lvl is like what, 5%?
Casuals like me just give up n leave
Its way way way too grindy
Its fine to make a game really hard and I do think its cool, but when you cant reach something ftp in a reasonable timeframe than sorry but the game is trash. And they go further and say “its a cool thing to kill this boss” bitch you can throw your fucking wallet to your pc to get stronger. There is no accomplishment in this game where you can buy achivments. Shame cause the game could be one of the best mmo-s if it was 100% ftp.
if this game was a little more casual i would so play it lol
Your comments about players wanting to get into end game but just….can't is really true. It feels aggravating trying to fight against layers of RNG to get engravings and gems and shit, and when I was told that it was optimal for getting cards to literally set an irl alarm to check the vendors for cards in game, I basically gave up entirely on wanting to do end game. The chores are already so much, and it just gets worse? I don't even entirely know if that's 100% true, but the fact that I believe it could be true told me enough about what I was experiencing to want to stop. I've progged ultimate tier raids in FFXIV (the hardest content for top 1% of players in that game), I like to be challenged by the *game*. Not the friggin gear grind just to pay for carries to try to catch up to the raids people are progging, which I won't be able to get into anyway because I haven't grinded out the shitzillion vertical progression systems that exist in this game.
I want to play lost ark a long time ago, But they don't have a SEA server. WTF
is that dude you or your twin brother
rip when i see the skin release was part of a road map, while most other game i played release skins constantly, not even worthy mention on roadmap conventions.
1 person dying wiping raids is terrible design. It should be a lot harder but not impossible.
I understand why people still play lost ark. The combat is great and the raids are fun. Theres also the sunk cost fallacy. My overall issue with the game is its lack of variety. Im not complaining about dailies. Im not saying the raids dont have variety. For a game with so much vertical and horizontal progression, the game lacks depth somehow. Lost ark has such fun combat and the only thing they can invest in is raids? They couldnt think of anything besides raids to help CARRY this damn game? The pvp arena is dogshit. The lifeskills are deadskills(sorry). There is no fun or personal expression in building your class gear, gems or engravings… I could go on and on and on. But it all comes down to one thing. Innovation. Rather than feeling like a living breathing MMO with different people doing different things that they find personally enjoyable. No, you either raid or you bust that wussy open. There is no soul, there is no love and its a damn shame.
Elixirs are just mobile game progression. Here's this thing you pay and click to get stats. No gameplay, no interesting mechanics, just pay and click to be better than the guy who didnt pay and click.
Why do dailies when I can just do something else for a few months and get powerpassed up for less effort? 🙂 Homework was an issue last year and they didn't mention any of NA's concerns in last year's LOA.
I love me a grind. I hate RNG grinds. Luckily you can realize this early on in the game.
I still enjoy Brel and below, so I'll skaddadle once I am bored of that.
Imagine making a game for 1% of hardcore players and leave the rest 99% playerbase with NOTHING.
This is such a perfect example how to kill your own game.
Man it feels bad returning to lost ark and watching this ( i had to start over since i wanted to play on my main steam account ).
imagine just playing something else
I put over 600 hours right upon the games launch in the USA. I haven't played in over a year or what feels like almost 2 years now.
Can someone give me a cliff note of like who's buffed what's changed that I'll probably wanna know. Stuff like the stone luck being the same, and whatnot. Watching you again zeals ❤ been feeling like playing again.
Sadly I stopped my daily grind so I just have a single t3 paladin and the other 8 characters are t2.
I legit kept up with the big whales while being FTP. Mainly cause I was bed riden from a freshly broken ankle. Hence the 500+ hours in less then 3 months. Hahahaha!
Anywho. I'll pick it up again as I go. Just figured I'd ask for some bullet points while I continue to search all you're recent videos
Hello, I started Lost Ark 1 year ago, I quit when I was 900 gear level, now I started again with enthusiasm, but I have not seen players at my level in the game, other players are at 1500 levels. I'm waiting in line to enter the Dungeon, but no one is queuing for 10 minutes. I want to play this game but it seems like the game no longer accepts new players. How can I solve this problem? is there a new server?
why would i come back, and why would i do dailies, literally me
There are fairly accessible games that have hung around for some ten, or more years, that still have a decent enough player base. Although when a game just becomes as niche as Lost Ark has, due to how punishingly difficult the group content it wants you to do can be, and how much RNG BS there is to go through, the player base is guaranteed to shrink, and shrink, until there's so few people, that it's hard to even get that oh so important hard group content going at all.
The NA/EU version of Blade & Soul from what I understand even removed some of the RNG in progression the Korean version has, yet it still shrank just like every other region, and with that game they went from the main content being hard raids with multiple teams, to hard dungeons for just one team. Just look at how that game is going as a good indicator of where Lost Ark will be, which itself is insane, as the Lost Ark devs should have realized that themselves, yet they just have kept on this course of making nothing but stupidly hard group content. While some have tried to claim shifting to hard raids saved Lost Ark in the past, that's not true, it was that a pile of people got fed up with what was going on in a couple other big games, so they quit those, and many came to Lost Ark, now it sounds like more, and more are fed up with Lost Ark, so it's been busy shrinking for some time now, where some were holding on until the LOA ON to see if they should keep at it, or quit.
Gold river saw this coming and bailed before the ship sunk. He knew the game was flawed with too much vertical because he talked about it shortly before leaving.
They need to do MORE for new players? Wth they are giving level 8 gems with 1540ilvl, do people want to the devs add autoplay too? ffs
So basically the community is crying about how hard the game is. And they think making it more casual will fix anything, like giving players more free gear and nerfing existing content. If smilegate listen to this they will kill their own game.
Now as a casual player, just wait on the main story quest to update and play the act with hyper express with new character. I mean once per 6 months hop on LOA is fun still. lmao