#wow #wowclassic #wowhighlights #hardcore mode
hardcore death = delete
WoW Classic: World of Warcraft (WoW) Moments Hardcore Challenge
Credits Streamer:
Clips or business inquiries @ MuffinmanToast@gmail.com
You can “join” the channel if you would like to support me 🙂
Best Moments, Hardcore mode, compilation
#classicmoments #vanilla #highlights #wotlk
#wowwotlk #wowclassic #worldofwarcraft #SeasonOfMastery #ClassicSoM #WorldOfWarcraft
world of warcraft classic gameplay, classic pvp, vanilla pvp, wow classic reactions, asmongold reacts, wow highlights, hardcore challenge, hardcore fails, ironman challenge, wow best moments classic, wotlk, wrath of the lich king
Why would people attack elite alone!.. its a hc run…
0:27 bro thats straight outta Jurassic Park 😂😂
Why do people run through towns filled with mobs…at all ever? There are ways around every one of them, I always found ways in vanilla and that wasn't no hardcore.
Man I wouldn't even make it to level 10. All I do is die in that game.
Streamers absolutely should not get any special privilege and griefing should not be banned when hardcore servers come out officially.
You want to stream your gameplay to people and be a WoW streamer? You should have to put up with the possibility of trolls.
It’s like being a famous person complaining about the paparazzi, it’s part of the package that goes along with getting paid to stream video games.
Good HC content. I like it.
Man xaryu got bailed out 3 times on his mage. The streamer privilege is real
dont show grief deaths on highlights you are only inciting people to do it
I love you Muffinman ❤
Good content, man!