Work fails caught on camera!
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dumb workers, expensive fails, funny moments
In this video we commentate/report about some lighthearted mistakes that occurred in the workplace or in a work setting, we also add edits in the clips to make it more entertaining!
Music by Peyruis : https://www.youtube.com/c/Peyruismusic
Thanks Elliot for helping with the voice over!.
For copyright issues: cubehubbusiness01@gmail.com
“While YouTube can’t decide what is fair use or mediate copyright disputes, that doesn’t mean fair use can’t exist on YouTube”
that aston martin is not a regular one but a one-77 model wortth around $2.2M
8:18 Russian pranker it was prank
USA, Asia, Africa, Russia…. the locations of filming….
NOT oddly enough there are NO such idiots in Europe!!!!
5:18 – Narrator confuses a USPS driver for a UPS driver.
Narrator sentenced to narrating his own "idiot at work" moment.
1:51 my company did something similar, they had to put a plate around the door handle so people couldnt just reach inside and open it.
These videos are funny as hell 😭😭🤣🤣
Seriously…why do these channels narrate so much. Just let the video play.
If you spend $2 mil on a car you deserve whatever happens.
always the low quality videos 😂😂
3:46 😂😂😂😂
Can we please stop with the narrations over videos that are obvious. Just let us enjoy the content as it unfolds. I don't need you to walk me through it, I have eyes, I can see what's going on.
the guy in the horse hhhhhhhhhh
i think, there is a difference between Idiot at work, and MYGODIAMSOEXHAUSTEDLETTHISDAYFINALLYEND mood at work
Lady reporter 😂😂😂😂and the tile person😂😂😂😂
no way I could possibly ever understand what's happening without NARRATION
tWo hUndrEd thOusAnd dollar truck goddamit this pile of rust never costed that much since it was brand new a hundred years ago
8:55 solution to global warming.
At 5:21 – that is not a UPS truck, it is a USPS truck – US Postal Service, not United Parcel Service
7:23 LOL😁
Lebron did not fit on this video
I stopped watching after “an Aston Martin worth a little over 300,000” Lmaoooo bruh. Come on. That’s a little over 1.5 million $$$
The Aston Martin is worth 1.6 million tho
Na realidade, a fedex trabalha desse jeito mesmo. Nao têm qualquer sentido de responsabilidade, são pagos pra fazer o transporte de mercadorias e fazem essa treta aí, atiram com as encomendas e muitas vezes acabam partindo o que está lá dentro
5:14 the man egged himself
2:45 Did you say “costed”? What’s that?
lets watch the korean ship sewol sink
Thx for the video, I can go by my day thinking am OK