Actually unfortunate WoW hardcore deaths
by @classichc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ1SNWUfviI
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Tweets by CatDanyRU
This guy is the PG13 mitch jones
Hardcore mod isnt even hardcore. Everybody skirts the rules anyway. When the real servers drop, most of them won't join the real hardcore.
Haha this is so good man😂😂😂
I love watching clickers die.
"Oh no Jonah's down, now maybe you can tank." as the pet dies and the warrior does fucking nothing to get the situation under control.
I cannot stop laughing at this. This is like 3 jokes and 2 insults in 9 words.
That Devilsaur clip made me laugh for a long time, too good.
xaryu missed rule nr 1 in classic as a warrior….:
use a damn shield
Your insight makes these much more fun to watch, hope u keep goin every now and then 😊
So many deaths caused by healers not paying attention
And thats the problem with Hardcore in a Group-Game… your fucking life of the next month is depended on other peoples ability to play the game. Its just stupid. In Diablo you are at least not that reliant on other people. And seeing some of these clips, its like these people never played beyond Vanilla/BC/WOTLK in the first place. The UIs are crappy, the play style is slow and sometimes hillariously bad. Its like they never have seen a M+ or even a Cata-Pre-Nerf-Heroic from the inside.
Not to mention that in Diablo usually enemies dont spawn out of thin air, lol
Yeah but Xaryu didnt use sword and board, thunder clap, demoralizing shout etc etc. Such a horribly obvious death for content.
What a bs…. Xariu clearly farming views,
omg the uldaman one is the best clip ive ever seen 🤣
Got some real clips from 2005 here
good stuff lol
Me: look to the right… look to the right… LOOK TO THE RI— there it is.
I would never play a mode where you can lose 100's of hours of progress from a big lag spike.
Why are unskilled turds like that even streaming at all???😂😂😂
"Hey world, look how a lunatic tries to play wow!"
21:17 bonjour
I just watched an iCarly ad to watch this.
19:47 Hyperspawns is how I lost my lv29 rogue in the Azureload Mine. I had used vanish to avoid 1 and was killed by the next.
Imagine tanking as warrior without shield, not in protection spec and running into a pack of mobs in a dungeon…. And then being surprised you dropped like a sacks of beans. Kekw
Hell yeah! Best videos are back. Lets fucking gooooo!