The Cycle Frontier servers are closing on September 27th 2023 ending its short early access phase despite thousands of players still playing their game.
To some, this was obvious and to others it’s too soon. What happened? In this video I talk about why I feel the Cycle is ending and how the lack of innovation and some poor developer decisions lead to the end of their project.
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#gaming #deadlyslob #thecyclefrontier
the game fuckin sucks, wdym "why did it die"
make a better game next time
this game was pretty cool, then it launched
lmao, that didnt take long
"early access only for a few years" lol
This game was so much fun will be missed
Games like this are not congruent with picking up new players. Go ahead and call me bad, but a week into release and I couldn't extract because any time I was seen by someone else, I was 1 hit headshot by a sweat in the lobby. Wasn't a fun extraction game. The Hunt is a lot better at this.
Why has this happened? Hmm maybe because PC is full of a bunch of scumbag cheaters.
I liked the game & I bought a battle pass. I was having fun even though I was dealing with a completely lop-sided gameplay experience. But I was making PROGRESSS. Then they wiped my progress and I was still getting DOMED by hackers and sweats, only now I had no gear.
Server wipes are the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. It is mind boggling that you're arguing that it's a good thing. There's nothing good about it! The sweats will always be ahead of the non-sweats. Why would you delete progress for non-sweats?? 🤦
It would be nice if they released a dedicated server for it
This should be a wakeup call to bring back Old The Cycle, it was 700 times better than Cycle Frontier
It was not worse then Tarkov, it was different. I love both games, but Cycle was so much more chill. People very open to Voip, which led to many cool interactions. Instant loading in to raid was fantastic. In general, it was less stressful experience then Tarkov, which some people might not like. I loved idea of personal wipes too. Its getting tiresome to go back to Tarkov vipes and keep yourself motivated to level up, because it will be wiped out and you wont even get a "cosmetic" that would mark you being there and reaching some milestone. I will really miss this game. It had such potential.
i was donated r lot to cycle and then they ban me withno reason and ignore my appilations so it's r good news for me i spend like $150 right when season1 was released and had around 800 hours on beta
I really do not get why the hell Games like this do not offer a Coop / PvE mode. It does not need much work but would gather way more players. Since i found the Singleplayer mod for Tarkov i never ever came back to the Official Game. Way less stress and way more fun for me. No stupid grind to unlock the Markets. Tarkov is fun with friends even without the PvP part so why not make a second char / save for it. everything else can stay.
Same in Cycle. Had really fun in the beginning because most players just did PvE or mission but as always more and more pvp try hards came buy and just kill you even if you a freshed spawned.
YAGER got destroyed by massive commercial cheating and maybe by competetors of Tencent, making these cheats. Tencent owns Yager (The Cycle) btw if you didnt know. The cheating situation got way worse when ROBLOX bought out the ANTI CHEAT Hyperion as an exclusive ANTI CHEAT for Roblox. Everyone, including The Cycle, using Hyperion ANTI CHEAT was left with no guns and tools against these criminals. Creating, distributing and using cheats should be considered a crime. Its destroying companies, jobs and game innovations. Using, distributing and creating cheats should be punished with tremendous fees and prison times.
They HAD something when it was a PVEVP BR. I know the market was saturated with them at the time, but the game was actually legitimate and fun.
When they went to being a Tarkov clone they shot themselves in the foot, and it's sad..
Sad to see this go. If enough people start playing it maybe we can save it.
this look like hunt showdown numbers before launching 1.0
But hunt was a paid game… the cycle FTP model must have been the death of it
I loved the game until I realized that I could drop solo and be on the same map with people who were toget as in a duo, trio or squad; always thought they were teaming nope they were dropping together; Otherwise I probably spent almost a week of playing and besides my idea of Teaming it was an amazing experience
Damn, now it's back to Tarkov Larpers.
Tarkov is next if Battlestate keeps going the way they have been.
sad because it was an amazing game. wt heck. cant they make it work without the money issues?
I played the old version of this game but when they shut it down i didn't want to risk getting into this one encase they did it again and im glad I made that choice. I feell bad for the people who are super invested in this game, I wasn't to invested in the old version but it did happen to me on another game a few years ago called Worlds Adrift and it still hurt to this day that it's gone.
what happended ? streamers pumped the game as " wow it's awesome" and a lot of guys buyed the game…. when the streamers stoped playing it…. noone played anymore…
9:30 Them getting rid of wipes is what got me to come back to the game. I hate games that "wipe"
Interesting. Very weird that Planetside 2 continues to exist, yet TC:F said ~2k players wasn't enough. Kiiiiinda smacks of the developers wanting off the project and letting the game die off by itself to autogenerate the reason for sunsetting the game. I didn't play it, but appreciated another game in the 'extraction shooter' space alongside EFT/etc. Thanks for putting this together! 🙂