THE POWER OF DEADLOCK – Best Tricks & 200 IQ Outplays – VALORANT, Gravnet Lineups, Sonic Sensor Placements, BARRIER MESH and ANNIHILATION Ult Ability Plays, Tips and Big Brain Moments in a Valorant Deadlock Gameplay Montage
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<3 Thanks for all the support guys! Let us know what you think of the new agent below!
I swear my first game as deadlock I got two aces in a row and 35 kills
nice slips
can you give me every skin gun for me
New main. I instalock her (I know its not nice) and keep winning comps even if i perform bad. But maybe thats just a bit of mental boost. She is really good to stop flanks.
very good vid <3
her ult is sooo OP but sadly riot will prolly nerf it sometime in the near future🙃
Kyedae got so good like what the fuck
at 2:38 he needed 2orbs for ultimate . how tf does he get his ultimate just by killing 1 guy
Awesome 🎉
And why was 1 moment repeated 2 times ??? (7:56 and 8:46)
The highest IQ play i have seen yet was when my teammate ulted the yoru clone they released it we shot at it, blinds everyone 🤣
Nice video ❤
This new agent's awesome
still ci an't get this in SEA server
does anyone ever receives the giveaways he talks about
I love your content bro
Fk 2 people with same ult. 🔥🔥🔥Cool
Deadlock is now my favourite agent now since i played her in valorant and i started to get more aces
Yoooo just commenting for giveaway
Deadlock is in a interesting place in the game right now. In one hand she can be the most cracked out character ever. But in the other she feels really under whelming and can really seem useless at times. But none the less she is most likely gonna find a place somewhere in the game and will probably become relevant on some maps and put up a good fight.
this guys is cheater 100% head locator, typical streamer without hands 1:10
still 3-19-ing deadlock :3
love it
7:07 how are you not blinded 😂
3:34 wow, this new agent is so broken and nice! People saying that they can do Ace's so easily hahaha, her ulti is really broken
Give away
need the money <3
Deadlock is really a fun agent to play and her voiceline is really crazy
dude, deadlock is absolutely insane. I took one look at her kit and instantly came back to val after a long break and shes so fun.
How these guys playing in icebox ? 3:17
Cl deadlock is insane
even Im dead laughing from all of the kills from the deadlock ult🤣🤣🤣🤣
Her wall ability is so cool for setting 300 iq strats n traps tho
Bro you take 1 clip 2 times
Here for the giveaway 😂 awesome vid too
deez nuts
good agent