Tony and Naude spot a young seal with a potential entanglement around its neck. They couldn’t confirm the entanglement at first, but after Tony got closer, he confirmed and secured the seal. Naude cuts the longline branch line, which is used in commercial fishing to catch fish on the surface and bottom of the sea. Seals swim into these lines and get entangled, or they go after the bait on the hooks and get hooked. Both encounters end up being fatal for seals. 🦭
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😊 Thank you for every like, share, comment and subscribe 😊
Nice job it takes a lot of patience I'm sure especially on the docks
that was hard to see, glad you got him and removed the long line. Yoiu guys are so awesome!
💗💗 Thank You OCN 💗💗
I refer to that one as they Land Rescue but as always you guys do such a great job😅 .
I have both dogs and ferrets, so always loved seals because they remind me of a mix between the two (except lives in the water). I'm so grateful there are people out there that care enough to do this! ❤
🦭❤️ you guys are so great and what you do for these sweet creatures shows what wonderful people you are and you show there is hope for this planet
So efficient guys
Heyy, I hope you are having a great day today ❤
ottimo bravi
Excellent rescue in a less than ideal location. That loop would have strangled him for sure. Quite a maze you had to walk through to get to him, bravo Tony & Naude!!
Well done!
You guys will go anywhere to save a seal, bless you all! 🫶🏼🦭🫶🏼
You are doing a great job. 🦭🦭🦭👍👍👍👍👍👋
That’s the final boss’s evil laugh 💀
Deft is the word that comes to mind. Tony knows how turn the net this way and that to ease the seal back out.
Excellent save of a seal old enough to remember now what this team is about. 🏆🎖🏅
Well done guys. I don't think we'll ever stop the pollution. Too many humans would rather do the wrong thing than the right thing. Too many boats and fishermen, not enough policing. Too many ships dumping waste where nobody can see them doing it. I worry about future generations of my family and all mankind and the animals struggling to live alongside us. It deeply stresses me, how on earth does this not stress politicians and governments. Most of them don't have a caring heart. They only care about money and what profits they can make and if that is illegally then who cares. Well I care. OCN cares and all the subscribers care, stop the pollution. Jeremy Downunder
Good thing you had a closer look at the line in the fur and confirmed the entanglement. Saved this guy's life. Thank you.
Great to see u guys with shoes on😂, 2 questions for u, at any of d seals location has there been and sharks killing them?
And have u all ever rescued any turtles, cause they go tru similar problems in d ocean. Bless u❤❤❤
Thank you all for what you do 💕
Awesome save!
What was the purpose of the pole you carried?