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About the Author: MegaDrivingSchool


  1. You can say or call me whatever you want but if your stupidity tells you to brake check my 80,000 pound load I will not brake for you. Me slamming on my brakes can jack knife my trailer and potentially hurt someone who is innocent and doesn't deserve to be injured or killed by a road raging idiot. I will destroy your car and in the aftermath of you completely blaming me I will show the video footage to the highway patrol so your insurance can pay for any damages to my truck or trailer and depending on what I'm hauling which could be in the millions of dollars your insurance will also be charged for your stupidity. Oh one more thing if I'm injured I will get money from you if you survive the crash.

  2. The one about fifty seconds in — there's fault and there's avoidable. Completely avoidable. I'm sure the old man sleeps better knowing he's not at fault. And then more and more of the "I'm doing the right thing, someone else was completely wrong" crap. Not quite driving school

  3. I have flown airplanes 231 feet long and upwards of 833,000 pounds around the world. There are a ton of ways to get into trouble, but as long as you are awake and alert, you cannot go too wrong.

    -I cannot even imagine driving an 18 wheel tractor-trailer rig on an interstate highway, much less in a city. That is just plain scary to me!

  4. Brake checkers are lucky I don't drive a semi truck. They'd be getting a good "tap", and end up in the rhubarb.

  5. I recently made a lane change on top of a person in my blind spot. Totally my fault. They were paying attention and avoided a collision, thankfully. Afterwards, I was pondering why there are numerous gestures to tell people to F themselves, but no solidified gesture for “I’m sorry. I am an idiot.”. I can’t think of one that isn’t just as likely to be taken the wrong way.

  6. #18 didn't start as a brake check, he merged between y'all and you chose to pick up speed in an attempt to close the gap. You were following too closely in the first place. But after you played your bigger dick move, the pickup did the same back at ya (while still breaking because of the slower moving vehicle Infront of him). What a nimrod.

  7. oh man why are American still allowed to drive a car? every year 5 Mil crashed xD you can google it haha 530 crashes every hour omg you guys are fucked haha

  8. 1:25 – the incident wasn't caused by the motorcyclists or the truck; it was entirely the fault of the panicky idiot in the white mini-SUV who came to a stop on a green light, forcing the bikes to slow down too fast for them to handle. The cretinously stupid driver that caused this event then proceeded on without any concern. Stopping at a green light because "you are confused" is tantamount to insurance fraud, and needs to be treated as a serious concern.

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