15) u/hennnnygawd (“Uncle’s Spirit”) https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/jo0baq/my_uncle_passed_away_from_stage_4_cancer_just/
14) Chills Thrills Theater: (“Scary Cases Of Poltergeist Activity finally – Unexplained Video”) https://youtu.be/bUHFgMoOplU
13) u/riman8 (“Something set off the security alarm on one of our properties two nights ago. This is the footage we found after nothing was stolen.”) https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/jpwvdo/something_set_off_the_security_alarm_on_one_of/
12) Top10 (“Weird Things Caught On Security Cameras & CCTV | Scariest Paranormal Moments”) https://youtu.be/icXMxBaAsDM
11) Ghost Doll (“Ghost Doll / Geister Puppe / Creepy / Gruselig / Babycam 2”) https://youtu.be/qmrGkNqzvO0
10) Screaming Ghost (“Screaming Ghost”) https://youtu.be/jO5Kqtywikc
9) Chills Thrills Theater (“SCARY Ghost Video To That Can’t Be Explained – Shadow Demons – Caught On Camera – CHills”) https://youtu.be/KPTcQlCDHtg
8) u/kass39 https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/y33xto/coworkers_wife_shared_this_with_us_thoughts_for/
7) New York Post (“Patrolman sees ‘ghost’ on airplane in Mexico City airport | New York Post”) https://youtu.be/iCRaufuCcto
6) Paranormal Caught On Camera (Paranormal Caught On Camera
“) https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2252743094984593
5) Thesun.co.uk https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/1604732/creepy-footage-appears-to-show-poltergeist-chucling-plates-and-slamming-drawers-in-a-kitchen/
4) Duniyadari :: दुनियादारी (“Was a real ghost caught on camera A video from Finochietto Sanatorium in Buenos Aires, Argentina”) https://youtu.be/_dsjVJfP5kA
3) u/mister_miracle_BR (“https://www.reddit.com/r/Ghosts/comments/hpexd3/strange_door_baning_during_police_operation_in/”)
2) Rocky Mills (“Real life paranormal activity caught on camera. Poltergeist filmed 5/29/2018”) https://youtu.be/ZGwkXlqc4Fs
1) Top10 (“Top 10 Scary Videos We Bet You Can’t Handle”) https://youtu.be/hO5FPWGoDAs
Written By: Juan
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Previous Videos:
Produced by BillNose: https://bit.ly/3fQTJoE
Narrated by Ty Notts: http://bit.ly/ty_notts
Music by Noiseplug: https://bit.ly/3hqOJYO
No copyright infringement is intended in this video. If you are the content owner or you represent the individual who owns the material(s) used in the video, and want your content removed, please email us at billnose25@gmail.com or billnoseinfo@gmail.com.
Sorry man, love the channel & Ty, but you've got to start putt8ng up videos that we haven't seen everywhere 100 Xs already. Please!!!
That TV's only shaking cause it's a dirty old crap LG…..It's probably just falling apart or malfunctioning like most products from this bodgy company!!
very good!
I call BS on the TV moving that way. If it was your TV you would have grabbed it so it wouldn't fall
Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up
In our culture we are not allowed to whistle at night as you are calling up the spirits and when a loved one dies we keep the lights on all night.
Hope everyone is well the clip around 22 min the story you told about it is different to the story on many other channels??
Rocky wasn't working on his house, he was working on a clients house.
You're not supposed to whistle at night cause when you do that you call spirits, so the guy whistling at night he called them in so he can't complain
A phone number 8 or 10 I think it is where the woman screaming at her see when we die this is what I've noticed the way we die in the way we look or what we was saying at the time of our death we still look like that in death and like if she was screaming at the time that she died then she would be screaming now I mean does that make sense I know you guys are seeing what I'm seeing and that's what I'm seeing us like if I died with one leg I'm only going to have one leg and death until Christ co
7:36 I'm going with fan or breeze of some kind. See there is some sort of decorative string hanging from the ceiling. It's swinging, and swinging in a way that a fan would make it swing. Do that's my take on that one.
Number 5 the kitchen nightmare..the dude have come out and admitted that it’s all faked.
A lot of these videos are really old which is a shame. Maybe next time find some newer ones👍🏻😁
Wow haven’t these clips for a while now it must be new rotation on the paranormal channels because I’m only ever seeing old clips , what happened to J berrari and her bed n breakfast business with the old homestead and the lesbianism etc ?
They're all old! Boring!
Dude I'm half way through this and these are all old AF!
Uh, video 9 is an old DinoNuggets clip and since you've featured many others of his that are more current I'm surprised you'd bother with this early one….
In the 12th video, at 5:20–5:21 there's a dark shadow of a spirit on the right side, it's only shown for a split second. The guy in the 4tj video, the reason why he could see the patient is because he has abilities to see spirits.
I love these videos, but I feel bad for the narrator sometimes: remaining professional and "selling" these clips to the audience, while I can practically hear the bullshit-alarm going off in his head. I mean that first clip…. A 10-second video while the OP's mate hides behind the couch flicking the light , is what amounts to a spooky video nowadays …I Love your channel, dude! Stay strong!;-)
Wow that's creepy places 👊💯😶🌫️
The door banging open & closed over & over – See the vine & leaves behind door half way – it's a disguise and someone is on the other side of the wall which has a hole for the stick that pushes the door – disguised as leaves But I could be wrong…
6 fkn adds and it’s half way through…. No thanks
23:45 there's a ghostly face that pops down in the window
Thanks so much Ty, I love your narration on your channels and that they are totally different topics on each of them
The sad thing is that the tv was rocking on Katy Perry