With His Last Strength, He Staggered to The People Walking Their Dogs For Help

With His Last Strength, He Staggered to The People Walking Their Dogs For Help
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With His Last Strength, He Staggered to The People Walking Their Dogs For Help

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Meet Felix. This young podenco is a typical example of severe animal neglect and terrible suffering. With his last strength, he staggered to people walking their dogs. It was heartbreaking 💔

Felix 🐕 was a walking skeleton, a pile of misery. It was a miracle how he could still stand on his feet. Felix went to the vet for a check up, he received tick and flea treatment, lab blood test and some X-rays were taken also. Probably he is around 3 years young. He is safe now and will receive all necessary care and love.

Felix just finished his afternoon meal. Now it’s time to rest a little bit. Look at that gorgeous face After breakfast it’s treat time with chicken

Little by little, Felix regains some strength in his legs 👍Checkup went great, Felix put on some weight ( 5 kg ).
New pictures from Felix. This handsome some boy is doing great. Bit by bit he gain more and more weight. His future family is waiting for him.

If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: jamesruddypp@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!

#animalrescue, #rescuedog


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About the Author: Animal Rescue


  1. Meet Felix. This young podenco is a typical example of severe animal neglect and terrible suffering. With his last strength, he staggered to people walking their dogs. It was heartbreaking 💔

  2. Il ressemble à la mienne que j ai adopté il y a trois ans par une association qui va les récupérer en Espagne pour les faire adopter en France ils sont adorables ces toutous

  3. Que hermosura de animalito la persona que lo abandonó debe estar preso pero no se procupen Díos le tendrá su karna porq el que le hace daño a un ser indefensoe inocente no tendra paz en su conciencia de VenezuelaValenciaCarmen Alicia Rivas Borjas Díos los bendiga siempre

  4. Al ver este video recordé a mi perrita MENUDA de cariño le decíamos LA PICHU porque era una bb, no se sabía que color era estaba llena de sarna y sus patitas traseras lisiadas, le dimos amor y un lugar en casa, el veterinario nos dijo que no se salvaría, pero no nos rendimos, lloraba de dolor, al no tener mejoría, una familiar nos dijo que mezclaramos vaselina simple con azufre bien cargada de esta última, la bañaba día de por medio y le ponía la mezcla, a las 3 semanas ya no tenía sarna y comenzó a crecer su pelito, y a comenzar a caminar pico a poco con los ejercicios y juegos nuestros, creció sanita y bella hasta que se hizo viejita, acompaño nuestra adolescencia y la recordamos con amor. Estas en el cielo lo se… mi Pichu

  5. I tell my friends and others all the time about these channels on tube that show these videos and everyone says why do you watch those candles if it upsets you so bad because I want to be mad about this I don't want to hide my head in people should be seeing this how animals are abused severely and traumatized by human humans will I guess and they say like us where do you mean by that I didn't harm them you might as well have you didn't do anything about it either did you.? I'm sick and tired hiding their heads in the sand out-of-sight out-of-mind I guess but somebody needs to be mad Myles need to be changed I want somebody to help me tell me what I can do my part as far as contacts and legislature and rioting petitions or whatever what how do I do that to get some laws changed in my state and any other state is far as that goes there's no sense in these animals being treated like this at all by anyone people that do this should go to prison and I mean serve some time to this is not good God's not happy about this and I'm tired of people I can't watch those it just makes me so mad I want to be mad you dead burn Right if anybody can give me any information at all please do I'm a senior citizen but I can still put my body in and put my tooth in in God Bless the people who go in these rescues

  6. How can people be so cruel , Bastar s should be jailed and starved for a couple of weeks ,see how they like it being hungry . Thankfully this dog was helped and hope he gets his forever home real soon were he will be loved & cared for xx As for the previous owners they are scumbags and never to own anything again ,not even a maggot .😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬

  7. Такая красивая собака,, почему же хозяева так с ней плохо обращались,, били,, не кормили,, закрывали,, правильно,, что ушёл от этих паскуд

  8. I'm sorry but I think the laws for mistreating an animal in any way are too lenient, there should definitely be harsher laws for people who do this to animals, he didn't deserve that. What a beautiful fur baby. ❤😢

  9. If so called human beings abandon man’s best friend in such a manner. One can only imagine how they treat their family. Shame. Thank you for caring for Felix and restoring his faith in humans. 🇨🇦

  10. Thank you for his rescue. May every available blessing keep coming to you so, that you may never have to do without. If the 20K that Liked this vid gave the rescue that saved him a single dollar, they'd have 20K to fund even more in need. Vet bills are not cheap. Where is this rescuer's link? 💖💫🐕🙏

  11. What you do to others, you will get to feel their pain at your own transition. Then, you'll get to realize that suffering in your own next go around, for yourself. Be careful what you do, or don't do, in this life – all actions DO return … for the lesson. Nothing is free. Better give your absolute best. This life is but a test, your own dress rehearsal for the next – you are setting your own circumstances there, by how you conduct self here in this life. What have you earned thus far? Neglect a dog, you next live what you did for or to that dog. People, wake up – we ARE creating our own suffering, or even our joy. What do you want back? Then GIVE IT! Your soul knows, better tune in, your ego can cost you many hard lessons. You are no more superior than a simple animal in nature. All created in the same consciousness of light. Better respect all, to be respected. Trash others, inflict pain onto others, love others, care for others – it all returns, every single action. What you have received, you had once given whether this life or past life. All things are circular. Don't even kid yourself. The "Do Unto Others …" saying is a warning, not merely good advice. 🙏💫🦋💖🌱🌎

  12. So clearly you are overseas. What country?? Why is there no grass or yard for these dogs to walk and play on ?? Just curious. Hope Felix will be happy. He'll make someone a good companion. Appears to be a pretty mellow dog. Thank you for helping this guy❤❤

  13. Ich frage mich immer wieder im welchem Land werden die Tiere so vernachlässigt. Es gibt so viele Menschen die laufen nur einfach vorbei an den armen Tieren und ihr Herz bleibt eiskalt.

  14. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and care which is what rescued this poor dog from BBC a life of pain, hunger and neglect ♥️♥️♥️ G-D Bless you ALL 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  15. Wide is the road to hell and narrow to heaven.
    There is no excuse .
    Bless for saving this puppy ( they are all puppies from birth to old age )

  16. Assuming he found you, do you have any information regarding his history. Why such a beautiful dog was in such a state? (Not that ugly dogs are more deserving of neglect, but you know what I mean).

  17. Бог всё и всех видит! Люди, вернётся к вам всё добро и приумножится! Благодарю за спасение !

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