In today’s video we are on a journey in DMZ Season 4 to be the best Solo Warrior we can be. SOLO DMZ is a dark and treacherous road sometimes, but also makes for some of the best and most thrilling DMZ PVP moments you can ever experience.
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#dmz #dmzwarzone #callofduty #warzone2 #warzonedmz #gaming #loochy #dmzseason4
These vids are great.
Excellent content, learning loads watching these videos👍
Yo dude, if you want to up your DMZ experience you have to get a haptic vest, I just got one and it made me fall in love with DMZ all over again.
The immersion is insane!!
You feel the shots, the nates, explosions, everything!!
Run run come run run😊😊😮😂😂🎉🎉
Go to warzone
Lo tengo 🆖
I got to 2:23 I can't deal lmao this is good. Where's the popcorn. Is William Defoe in this haaa
i love how much this reminds me of JLK vids but dmz has the faster paced and shorter stories.
love the vid keep it up
Loochy is to DMZ like Welyn is to Rust
The ending 😂⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🐐
That was a great video keep up the good job I just hope I never run into you when I play I tend to just do solo or two man with my buddy. But then again if I do meet you I hope I can atleast put up a decent fight although think it still will be one sided.
What are your thoughts on the Tempus Razorback?
love a good easter egg!!
Chapter 1 was definitely a 4 man and a 3 man. Not a six man
Oh yea your Nickleback take is on point, I knew you were alright
"You aint saying hello to shit" 😂😂 Aye Looch you a cold dude bro
Man I would love to run a game with u
You might actually be some kind of good 😅😅
First I wanna say I love watching your vids and I've been learning alot but still only just ok lol. Second dmz sucks for those of us who are trying to do missions and unlock upgrades. Don't get me wrong I like some pvp but half map sniping and 6 man platoons are really making me wanna refrain from playing. But thanks for giving us hope and sharing your thoughts and knowledge man much love. Ps my tag is ThatHammDude
This is smoke Loki ur the shit dude I'm just now starting to try to be a solo player it's hard asf but u have inspired me to continue to be a solo man
ahhhh helll NAW, aint no hot dog a sandwich.
keep these end of video hot takes up and you will get so much hate engagement out of me.
you might just get a comment every vid ()
This shit is so epic
Excellent ending! HAHA🤪🤪🤪
Whats your graphics settings it's so clear
I love your videos. The storytelling format makes for a really good watch.
Streamers playing this for pvp is ass. U know it
One of my fav videos you have done and Nickel Back ain't bad.
Hit that like and save the puppyyyyy
You're a brave man @loochy lol.
I hate hotdogs
Damn, those Easter eggs are more like facts!! You’re crazy man!!
Loochy. Watching your videos made me start playing DMZ it’s task doing these missions and upgrade but I’m managing, thanks for the inspiration bro.