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We named her Polly… under the Greek word polytimo which means valuable. For someone she meant nothing, for us she was valuable. She was found in a village, between houses and people.
Unfortunately we got informed too late and we were unable to save her no matter how much we tried. She was an elderly dog and almost in coma already. Her image broke everyone’s heart.
We can’t always win but we will never stop trying.
Huge thank you to Vasileios Kampouris for join me and filming this story .
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– *HUGE THANKS to polly grunfeld sack, Johnathan L Davis, Liz Caplan, nigel ogden, Lawrence Reginald oei, Brigitte Blach, MIG25 MIG31, Joshua James, nissemusse, Lucy Bugea, hilde boon, Ellen Talboom, Tom Rawlings, Helen Vile, Parent Inspections Inc, Jerry Wheatley, Agnes Krygier, Frances Robb, Nhan Le, Eric Siemens, Raina Spazianiand, Carla, Martin Crimes, Danesh Mir, Janet Hoffmeister, Silke Potthoff, Lille Nissepige, Emily Kliemann, Ian Thomas, Ming Hoang, Ruth Challoner, Cyndi Brewster, Janet Fitzpatrick – Wilks, Monica, Gabriela muehlemann, Douglas Goodall, Christina Jones, Cesar Baldeon, HybridGrid, Marie Jones, Roxana Trejo, Alex McKenna, Nathalie Le Maire, Sheila Moncada, Jules s., Money Train, Annie, Chandra Gosain, Rowena lau, Peter Riddell, ShongLin Zhou, Iris Dorussen, Owen Bevilaqua, Ann Green man, Lille Nissepige, Carlos Arche, Lin Pointer, Σήφης Βαγιωνης, Brita-Heidi Elvatun, Charlie Miller, Jesse Henderson, Pat Rogers, Chris Chrisafis, Gudrum Mirlein, Denise, Sara Havens, Araceli Bouza-Chow, Rosaria Birrane, Matt, Java Resova, Sumayya, Paul Cook, Marta Kozicki, Steven Harbauer, Ann Fritz, Susan Driscoll, Christiane Schluter, Darrin Gross, Uma Meyer, Margie Bellamy, Paul William Osborne, Kathryn Nquyen, Cathy S McDonald, Claudio Torres, Katerina Nicolakopoulos, Jo schwartz, Sara Tester, Cathy Hunnicutt, Doc Bennett, Steve Deiter, Heather Shulman, Vien Nguyen Yvonne Holler Cancer Sun, George Ahladianakis, Joe Zepeda, Ninjakitty104, Kristi Seiter, Jochen Pretli, John Fishburn, Vosaru, Melissa Schicker, Bill Switzer, Ethleen Johnson, Keshav, Susan Maves, Tim Lewis, Susan Berens, Kris Curtis, Daniele Boucher, Lillian Hayes, Anna Bazilevsky, Res,John salines, Tracy Bartel, Jacob and Kristina Federemsser, Godfrey P Miles, Honey Ranario, Sandra Luhnow, Tom McFarland, carla rae aragon, Niel Ohlsen, David Wilson, David Newman, Maryanne Enslow, Florencia Iturra, Kimberly & Pluto, Ines Schibli, Valerie Vozza, Jane Russell, Grazia Sher, Cintweak, Walter F Smith, Trish Dumas, Lyle Kelley, Charlotte Gunter, Jim Strom, YAMIKO, Dixie1911, issacsathish,Laurene Valente , Richard Karschney, Sterling Rodd, Kristine , Lindsay McCoy, Lyster Miraflor , Mike Arnold, EILEEN Koyl, Rowena Lau, John Empfield,Sonam Lhamo, Gregory Gordon, Stephan Strebl, Cathy Maddox , Dorothy T Montgomery and all our patrons!
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Merci beaucoup ❤
Bendiciones en grande 🙏 k nunca les falte las ganas de seguir ayudándolos 😢y como sostenerlo 😢y mucho amor para ellos 💕 k tristeza 😢esto no cabe en mi cabeza 😢la maldad de muchos inhumanos 😭😭
We talk quite a lot about animal abuse and neglect and both are equally wrong!! Continually taking heart that God watches over all and that the bad guys will be eternally punished by God, and not be able to run from him does my heart well. I'm so sorry that you had to die alone friend and would have given my life for you. Til we meet again, my beautiful friend, I love you so so very much! You are truly the best (blessed!)!!! Rest In Peace, angel-Hearts and much forever love and peace, Sarah Levy
Ermioni, let us know what she died from? What was her or the surrounding circumstances? Sarah Levy
My heart is broken to see so many dogs dying of neglect, starvation, cruelty, etc. I am almost 80 and just had cancer surgery, lost my
left breast and all all my lymphnodes. That is expected for one my age. What is happening to the love & care of animals in our world? O
So heartbreaking. Why do people do this to them. Makes me cry. Can't imagine the pain she must endured just so sad😢❤😭
Thank you for saving the poor🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕 angel God bless you with all luxury🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤❤
Dios bendiga a esta señora, gracias por hacer lo posible para salvarlo.
Oh this poor girl. I'm so so sorry for your loss. It was a sad and horrible shock to see a beautiful dog abused like this. My heart broke that she didn't make it. I was praying she would. At least she wasn't alone. May this beautiful girl rest in peace. You did all you could. And bless you for it. Prayers to you.and this poor beautiful girl. So sad that she suffered so much pain.
Oh my gosh. So sad but you gave her love in those last moments. Thank you.
I feel bad. You really need a one floor clinic.
โอพระเจ้าอวยพร เธอถูกทิ้งให้ตาย มนุษย์ ช่างโหดร้าย ทำไมทำได้ลงคอ ขอให้นางฟ้าจงช่วยเธอในวาระสุดท้าย เขาจะไปดี
Au moins ce pauvre chien n'est pas mort dans la rue comme une chose ordinaire. Son âme est là haut, il ne souffre plus
Maravilhoso o trabalho de vocês !
May Godbless you all People with Good Heart 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
How many people are homeless, first go and help them, human beings have more value than animals, if a human being is homeless and a dog is homeless you people will always prefer animal stupid peoples human life is more important than an animal life first go help humans then help humans because you european people always prefer animals life over a human i am not against of animal care but human life is superior first priorities human life then animal life
Someone sent you to care for that animal in it's last hours…as unlucky as it was, it was very lucky the day you showed up. ❤
Bestie Mensch….. Komm gut über die Regenbogenbrücke, kleiner Engel auf 4 Pfötchen 💔💔💔💔
😢Porq tienen q pasar estas cosas?? 😢 muchas gracias 🙏
So sad but her last moments were surrounded by love. Thank you! She is in Heaven now.
If a dog gets old and u dont want her or him no more give them to a vet to at least allow them to spend their final days somewhere warm. not on the street freezing
Asta cuando segura el maltrato Asia un ser con vida la cual no nos corresponde quitarla
Dios le bendiga a las Dra por tener amor y cuidado por lo amigo cuatro pata
😔 so sad poor baby
I always get frustrated with these videos. Give him iV fluids stat! 😟
Me emociona hasta las lágrimas ver personas hermosas como ustedes gracias 🙏 gracias ojalá se recupere pronto
So sad.
Tnx concern citizen. To save the dog.
Whoever left the dog like that deserves to be horsewhipped
God love you ❤❤❤
Ее круглосуточно надо. Было держать под капельницей руки оторвать такому врачу значит ни хира ничего не надо было тм только деньги собирать можете на свои нужды а не на собак бестыжие