This Is What Happens To Your Body If You Die In A Plane Crash

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Plane crashes aren’t actually as common as other types of vehicle accidents. As you may have heard, dying in a car accident is far more likely. And plane crashes have gotten even more rare in the past few decades. But since they involve falling from a very high altitude, they are a source of intense fear for a lot of people.

You may assume that being in a plane crash means you’re almost guaranteed to die. Which is why you may be surprised that 95% of people who are in plane crashes survive the experience, according to Ranker. But in the event that one is fatal, this is what happens to your body if you die in a plane crash.

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About the Author: Grunge


  1. The knowing you're about to die, probably will kill most,by heart attack or something,most never died before,if any

  2. I just dreamed of dying in a plane ✈️ crash πŸ’₯ and died and woke up πŸ†™. I hope it I die in a plane crash πŸ’₯ I hope I don’t suffer.

  3. I knoe where to sit next time !! 😲😁
    However; if only you will know where the hit will come ..!

  4. If you are on flight 93 and crash in a field in Pennsylvanian then your corpse and all of your fellow passengers corpses will instantly vaporize with no trace of blood. The plane will completely vaporize as well.

  5. I got on a plane 4 times although i told myself i would never do it i did it dont be so scared of death that it keeps you away from experiencing life just try it and if you dont like it you dont have to ever do it again

  6. rip to all the ppl who died during crashes n to michel dusain’s mother
    brother n cousin n to keopcke’s
    mother n to everyone that died during plane crashes

  7. safe and efficient , gee where have i heard that before ? i call b.s. on both . there are a dozen plane crash channels and i have been watching them for months with no end of material in sight . thousands of young healthy people are dieing from myocarditis , with no end in sight . safe and effective . anything the government says is total bullshit .

  8. now i want you to be 1 of the 4 survivors in the fatal plane crash of japan airlines flight 123, you go unconcious because of the loss of pressure, a few moments later you see that you are on the side of a mountain as far as you know and you hace a lot of cuts and blood coming out of you because of the impact, and you cant remember anything suddently, you and 50 other people are crying for help as the helicopters lights shining over your head, you scream for help but the rescuers in the helicopter think everyones dead so they delay the rescue til the morning, suddently everything becomes silent, then the next morning rescuers finally arrive and you see that you and other 3 people have survived… it must have been a huge struggle for the survivors to pass the night, RIP to the 520 passengers who died

  9. Was nearly in a plane crash from Austin to Denver a few years ago. Pilot came on and told us to β€œcall anyone we needed to”. My dad and I had a short conversation, then I hung up. I was so, so calm. It was crazy. We made an emergency landing at an air base in southern Colorado and everyone was fine. So if it helps anyone, if you were told like I was that your plane is going down, you call someone, and then you are calm and you wait.

  10. What about "de-gloving" injuries of bodies in high speed plane crashes? That expression was used after a a plane dived out of control into the ocean with no survivors. The mental image of "de-gloved" bodies haunts my preflight nightmares.

  11. I once viewed a plane crash disaster site. It was a mess. And as I looked around at the rubble, I clearly saw two hands clasped together tightly, laying on the ground. I assumed the two people were holding hands tightly when it crashed.

  12. But planes DO crash. Once a plane lifts off the ground ANYTHING can happen. I don't care about the statistics. I've watched dozens of plan crash investigations over the years. I flew for a few decades, but over the years I wondered when my number might come up. The more one flies, the higher the odds are for disaster. We have no way of knowing when a plane will crash.
    The human error factor bothers me the most. No thanks. I don't want to take the chance.

  13. If you have not given your life to CHRIST, You may spend Eternity in Hell , GOD Is Soveriegn
    , HE Alone authorised each Life , PUT YOUR TRUST IN CHRIST JESUS , No matter your station in life, and do not ever make light or jokes about sudden stops . Some of these comments are just appalling. Peoples Lives and Eternal Lives are at stake . If you can not encourage and support , then Dont Speak a word . 99.99 percent of airline staff and crew do their utmost to serve we the people and this must be respected absolutely . Goodness me . There is just no room for stupid comments, and May GOD Keep safe all those in the field of aviation.

  14. When I have fears of death I just think "well shit, there's nothing I can do about it. If it happens it happens". I hope to become a pilot soon and if I die in a freak accident I'd like it to be while flying a plane or with my family.

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