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I understand that tow ball dowload limit should be 8-10% of ATM. In doing some basic research, I see trailers displaying ATM of 3500 with a tow ball download of 150KG far less than the recommended 320-350KG. Am I missing something? Thank you 👍
Excellent John… more of this… This is why I did not buy a Caravan… kept my money for 5 star Hotels
And watch out for roll roads if you got something on your roofracks or towing a trailer, people are being charged as trucks, should have a look into that money grab.
My vehicle has labels on the rear side windows informing the driver that the maximum weight on top of the vehicle (roof rack) is 67 kg.
Nice gay t-shirt John!!!!
Same one again?
Good to be armed with a rudimentary understanding of these before you find yourself at the mercy of the mermaids.
Total download limit is the speed you were promised to get by nbn
Awlays trust a handsome man in a camo shirt for your auto information