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Whoever has the most viewed TikTok in 1 week using a clip from this video I will CashApp/PayPal/Venmo you $500! Post however many times you want!!
(RULES: You must tag my TikTok and put "YouTube: Tyler Oliveira” in the video description)
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Easy fix don't bring kids to pride lol
Man those guys are egging houses here in sri lanka we ran out of eggs we have a massive egg shortage.
W city
absolutely ridiculous!? where tf is the world is going! absolutely garbage stuff, i hope god saves the upcoming gen.
Let’s just say I’m anti LGBT and anti pronouns there’s man and female. Males like females and females like males.
My opinion so don’t have a go at me about it
What’s those people were doing would get you arrested where I live and rightly so it’s public indecency
Based town in the ocean of degeneracy
That's why I don't like Islam and muslims
I would ban the flag to because I don't want to see that everywhere
I think it should be illegal to by gay everywhere
if i saw that in real life that city would be ablidirated
that kid near the end is making the best anti religion speech ever yet he just doesnt realise how fucked up it is that his religion is basically just if you arent a straight male your not cool, is religious freedom more important than the freedom for gay people to live without persution from idiots who believe in a magic sky man i think not. gots to love those kids saying we were joking then immediately doing it like my man the camera is on you.
what a bunch of degenerates
thank God I born/live in a third world country!
thank God for the Islam, thank God I'm Muslim
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام 🤲
Having your penis out in public is very much not appropriate. If I saw a guy like that over where I live, I would kick him in the fucking nuts, because that is just not okay, they can be gay, they can be whatever they want, just dont push it to the kids AND DONT BE FUCKING NAKED WHEN THERES CHILDREN. Also they didnt really ban being gay, they didnt ban the flag completely, they banned it on public propetry.
Why is it free to burn quran but it's not free to burn lgbt flag
Based city
My respects to muslim community they stand what is right and they dont like to deviate from their belifs . If christian community did the same may be we would also could have avoided these conditions….
W city
I can now say for sure that I’m never going to San Francisco😢 bro💀
This was an excellent video. You interviewed everyone without offending anyone. You did a good job of getting a good view of the situation.
I can't believe she said "leave the kids alone" at a pride parade. Thank goodness there are a couple of good people left.
It's an interesting question, if members of two religions which restrict freedom in the opposite way live together so closely, who gets to do their thing?
I guess that's what people mean when they say a working society needs a common culture. I don't know what to think about it
W city
Humanity is delusional… Jesus …
Good video!! Those ppl are crazy
The first cop that told him to do whatever he wants had the look of absolute disgust in his face. You can tell he's at his witts end with this crap and is just trying not to get fired or reprimanded at this point.
Must really suck being a cop in a lefty town.
u mean sigma town?
im a muslims and how you cant be gay without having pride flag or without showing your private part in public spaces? hows that stopping you from being gay? we dont go againts gay people. we fight for fairness in freedoms of expression, public modesty etc.We may not be brothers in faith but we still your brothers in humanity. We can live side by side with certain boundaries and limitation.
Moral is being lost not much time until destruction reaches humanity
W city
If my child ever did that i qould be forced to use the thousand year old technique of the belt with the slipper attached to the end.
isnt that frank deal at 13:46?? the pilot from manifest
Yup. most if not all of those bitches are pedos. Can't believe pedophilia is being normalize by these things
Im a muslim and i hate lgbt so much
w city
Why does this exsist
W city
W city
W city
Moslim best
W city
Damn what a shitshow some people shouldn’t be parents honestly
Poor America. So many ongoing issues and these people walk with colourful flags trough streets and think they are saving the world. in my hometown they would never do this because it would probably get violent.