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Go do this shit in Mexico. Not here
I eoukd bring my ar and mess eith everyone.. try me clowns
Compton has turned into such a fucking L cause of this shit. All these Compton kids think this shit is cool, ya niggas are LAME.
this should be called an idiot convention. 🤣
The fun part is em cheering,then get run over ,and immediately get angry because all realised how stupid they are 🤡
if this is wat it means to be part of the car community then I'm out man ts is fucked
1:05 leaks coolant and proceeds to drive off because whatever ticket/impound fee was going to be more expensive than potentially blowing the motor, real smart.
1:47 Man got hit with that triple combo lmao
The camera man is such a cock sucker. Dudes is an idiot and doesn't even know it.
All these fires and not one fire extinguisher in sight
1:45 guy got hit 2 times! Should have watched out.
The lowest IQ people come to these
I love to see these pussies get ran over lmaoo
She was asking for it? For using a public road?
Doing this at a track or out in the middle of nowhere is one thing, but doing this in a city is unacceptable.
why do they go for water…. your car is on fire and no one has a fire extinguisher? but you attend these meets when sht is the most likely to blow up… already not the smartest but cmon seriously , act like pros getting the circle ready then no one is ready when sht really goes wrong LOL
I gotta start watching more of this, mad entertaining imo
I hope everyone in these videos deal with painful shit in their lives 🫡
about a million damns and 500 thousand bruhs uttered in this video
Expect your shit to be hit even if your not swinging thats what yall dipshits get lmao
The cameraman with the dumb takes need still punched repeatedly in the face
There’s always that r tard with a laser
This is the funniest dam video when people get hit. People be “O” shit.. he dead if you did die 😂what a way to go out!
1:43 Holy crap, pay attention. Even his camera got run over
6:10 whoever that kid is you know that he is either the leader of the meet or just someone everyone loves because dude had a whole army getting that kid for smacking his car
It’s not that funny lame
Clown ass people hn
Imagine the brain cells of the low IQers involved, lol
Love it when those idiots crash into the filming nutters. haha
None of the smooth brain drivers are smart enough to have a fire extinguisher on board.
This is the largest collection of idiots I've ever seen
Black and brown at it again. Making us look bad as always.
Fucking baboons
2022 compilation? Sheesh you got sick clips
4:05 the guy was hit by a speeding charger causing damage to the rear end and didn’t drop his camera. 😮
8 minutes of zero handles and bars.
3:27 girl that got hit lowkey got cake tho 😭
them valley takeovers be sum else🤣
All these kids including the YouTuber never finish elementary school…smh!
All these dumbos still learning the ABC in ESL classes…smh!
Your welfare dollars at work.
It’s something to do this but to kick peoples vehicles that’s trying to get through is bullshit
Ngl I was waiting for the guy that got jumped to just start running them over once he got to his car