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#dawnlands #openworld #multiplayer
World Of Warcraft Classic Hardcore, This is something that’s absolutely blown up in 2023 and after looking into it it’s easy to see why, It’s a completely different MMORPG experience to anything else on the market, It’s the ONLY MMO that you can basically complete, the main goal is to hit level 60, once you’ve done that you’ve essentially won, there’s potentially thousands of hours of repayable content if you do this challenge on multiple classes and due to the nature of the challenge every play session is meaningful, requires a decent level of focus and you feel a much greater sense of progression and achievement compared to normal World Of Warcraft.
Additionally the content made around classic hardcore is also top tier, watching streamers or youtubers do this challenge is epic content because you want to see their reaction if they die or not, also watching Asmongolds reactions to the Hardcore compilations is extremely entertaining as with the power of hindsight you can try to understand what a player could have done differently to survive.
So what is Hardcore?
Basically No trading, no grouping in the open world, you can do each dungeon once only if you group with other hardcore characters, no bubble hearth for paladins, no asking for buffs or help, basically a self-reliant mode that for a long time has been enforced with the “Hardcore” addon and by playing on unofficial Hardcore servers.
Now recently Blizzard have announced that there will be official hardcore servers coming soon which will have a few cool additions such as Duel to the as well as a few other differences from unofficial.
For this series though I’ll be starting my first hardcore character on Unofficial servers because as someone connecting to Europe from South East Asia, I often get disconnected from playing WoW sometimes resulting in thankfully unofficial allows you to appeal disconnect and grief which is one of the reasons I’m kinda hesitant about playing Official hardcore, imagine getting to level 59, 150+ hours of grind only to die to a DC, that would hurt
With all that said, let’s begin my adventure with Classic Hardcore, if we die, we go again.
Have you began your journey in wow classic hardcore yet? how much progress have you made? do you believe I can beat the challenge or have any tips for me? let me know in the comments below!
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► Instagram Gaming: https://www.instagram.com/thelazypeonyt
► Edited By:
/ heedun
Classic Hardcore 2023 Description & Rules
We welcome and encourage everyone to participate in the Hardcore Community and understand that not everyone wants to Record/Stream, or has interest in being in the Hall of Legends. We simply ask that you play by the rules and be honest while participating in the community.
You only have 1 life, if you fall you must Delete character or leave it as a Perma-Ghost.
No restrictions, all professions are allowed.
All talents are allowed – go wild!
Gear & Items
You can use ALL gear that you self craft or obtain yourself via quests, drops or NPC traders (all rarities).
Auction House
No Auction House. No Player to player mail (collecting NPC mail is permitted). Your personal bank can be used.
No Trading Of Any Kind with Other Characters (even for conjurables like mage food and water or warlock healthstones).
Buffs & Player interaction
World and Player buffs, and assistance are permitted, so long as you DO NOT ASK for them, or continue taking help.
No Grouping Out in the Open World (unless you are en route to your Hardcore Dungeon).
wow classic hardcore thelazypeon world of warcraft episode 2 humble beginnings levelling challenge mage solo classic era talents first try series ironman challenge gameplay MMORPG MMO pvp pve runescape ironman old school mmo ultima online throne and liberty everquest age of conan lord of the rings online new world lost ark perfect new world quinfall ashes of creation warcraft trailer dragonflight retail classic wotlk best class tier list diablo 4 wow hardcore wow classic hardcore wow classic era classic hardcore
WoW Classic Hardcore Episode 4
Pre-register for Dawnlands here: http://bit.ly/tlp111 and join the Beta Test!
Check out their socials
Discord: https://discord.gg/TEXAyTgcuc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dawnlands2022
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnlandsofficial/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Dawnlands/featured
man level that defense stat, its why the boar almost one shotted you, probably have the defense of a lvl 10-11 so it hit you like you were. or it was just a strong boar idk
I LOVE this series! Maybe I'll try hardcore..
Absolutely loving your classic hardcore playthrough! You've really brought up the nostalgia and I'm so excited to be watching this playthrough! I hope it's still going good for you and that you're still have a great time of it! 😀 I just started my own, so we'll see how that goes. XD
Your main problem with named mob quests is that you're playing hardcore and not allowed to group. Normal people will just group up.
Thanks for the content sir ! If i can give you a tip for quest were you need to tag and your in competetion with other player, try to put your target/attack macro on your mousewheel (just for the tag) it's easier 😀
you are the only streamer i ever care to watch, youre a gem
Is there a stream where i can watch u play?
I've never played WoW, but watching this series is pretty fun.
When you inevitably die and have to restart, please consider doing so in TurtleWoW, it has a bunch of QoL fixes and awesome new content that would be very entertaining to watch. The only downside is that the realm is the same from HCs and non-HCs and if you ever get flagged by buffing a flagged player or killing a flagged NPC, there is a good chance a griefer will come along to ruin your day.
"Am I Still Alive?"
yes, glad to help you sir
Vanila wow is more walking simulator than new world.
Loving the Classic Wow Hardcore series and your Thailand vlogs mate. You keep making them and we'll keep watching them! Bravo to your editor too!
absolutely love the series so far! never actually tried wow before so these series does a good job on captivating me
Why cut the dungeon run? it was the most anticipated part of the video :/
Ngl this makes me want to play wow again
Would be really cool to see you play the closed beta for Gran Saga: Unlimited which is live now
Only one white item on lvl 24? That's lucky!
Classic had horrible itemization and drop rates. Timewaster game…
Shadowhide means shadow resist, the warlock definitely got 2 fear resists and then died 😛
can someone tell me what Map mod is he useing pls?
What private server is he playing classic hardcore on?
ok YT why in the HELL wouldnt u show me that this was dropped ?
lazypeon truly produces the lazy content… thank god i have sponsorskip and ad block installed
Would love to see your whole 8 hour stream broo..its so relaxing and chill watch ur videos.. Also will you be posting dungeon run vods ?
loving this series, it's making me want to resub and give it a go myself
Loving this series. Keep it up!