Executioner Wasp | The Stinging Nightmare

Executioner Wasp | The Stinging Nightmare
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The executioner wasp has the most painful sting in the animal kingdom, even more painful than the infamous bullet ant.

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About the Author: Nature Lens


  1. The funny thing is they are normally docile. They aren't the most venomous though. That title belongs to vespa luctosa. Executioner wasps get their name because of how brutally they kill other insects. They are usually docile towards people.

  2. I've been stung by this wasp (Colombian here), they are quite common. Even though it is painful but it is not that horrible, it depends on the pain tolerance, and how allergic you are (I was raised in the country side) so I think as I was stung by several bugs that creates some sort of resistance. They can be found inside the houses and as advertised they are not that aggressive unless you mess with them, in Colombia it was common for children to throw things at them, and that's how you got stung

  3. I remember them when I was a kid in Costa Rica, CA. They really are very tame, since I remember messing with them constantly and never got stung.

  4. I got stung by one I felt like I was gonna collapse it felt like get stabbed hundreds of times my heart was pounding and it was burning it felt like I was actually on fire it swelled up so bad I went to the hospital

  5. That swollen after hard crying of pain is fine but that itchy is not, after one day you’ll be tearing your skin by hard scratches

  6. That so-called "garden pest", shown at the end, looks like the caterpillar of a Monarch butterfly. Those happen to be endangered. Nothing to rejoice about.

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