Sinkholes form through both natural and human-made processes.
Most of us think about erosion on the surface of the earth, but erosion can occur in the subsurface as well. In fact, scientist and engineers have a very creative name for just such a process: internal erosion. If just the right factors come together in the subsurface, some very interesting things can occur, including sinkholes.
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Tonic and Energy by Elexive is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6fBPdu8w9U
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I’m from North Florida and we have WONDERFUL open fresh water spring limestone sink holes to swim in all over the (secret places) in the woods. Sorry to be late to the channel
Humans will live in caves once the Sun gets angry again. God help us all
OMG. Look how far you have come. Good for you.
I'm a 5th generation Florida Native and I've seen plenty of genuine sinkholes. What bothers me is when the news media reports a routine water main break and refers to it as a sinkhole. The earth didn't sink, it was washed out by high water pressure. I've seen sinks that were as small as single parking spot that swallowed just one car and I've seen both an entire home and as many as three homes nextdoor to each other all swallowed up by a sinkhole. West central Florida is probably the most common area in Florida for sinkholes.
싱크홀이 물 때문에 일어나는 거구나
I enjoyed watching this.
I just would like to add, even if the flow is confined you can still have erosion at the exit due to the high hydraulic gradient locally. Great video!
Ğřéý-ĐëîĞh ÊxpŁâńë WhËŁĽ
Super cool of you to provide free (accurate) education to the public online. Keep up the great work!
Florida has entered the chat
Your videos are great. I Enjoy learning the true causes of things! The Demos you build are always extremely helpful.
Thank you, practical engineering, now i can start causing chaos
Bro you look like young Lester
He solves practical problems
Best !
what if a dessert area and there's a giant building there, that's a great chance pf erosion right? unless they're all pipe up all of the drainage there? 🤔
Bro looks like carl from spongebob
I get amused on how there is always a quick demo for every video i've watched. Great work
This video helped me figure out how to explain where sinkholes come from on a.cpuple of posts on my feed. It's super cool.
Like Dr. Who once said, "Sooner or later, water always wins."
This aint the only way sink holes form. If you're in an area above deposits of limestone all it will take is time. Especially in a more urban area where run off water is more acidic. The acidic rain runoff will dissolve the limestone leaving behind gypsum which is basically cryalized chalk. Once enough has dissolved and you hit a critical point the ground sinks in and collapses.
Sinkhole de Mayo
Do this video while flossing for more views and to be more hip with the kids
holes are very interesting 🤔
Anybody here from the sinkhole in Florida that swallowed that guy? Crazy stuff
Sinkhole de Mayo.
Muito interessante o conteúdo desse canal.
Why is that engineers never admit fault and are arrogant when questioned by more experienced trades for obvious faults. The buck always falls on the contractor not the engineer who made horrible prints which is usually the case
Oh kitu tah caritana
There's a road near my house that looks like it's sinking and got cracks in it and I'm just paranoid it's a sink hole
So basically Earth version of Tooth cavity 😀