The videos should be taken as a tool for Educational and Journalistic purposes. Used for learning.
Please Drive Safe Stay Safe!
Road Rage | Hit and Run | Bad Drivers ,Brake check, Car | Dash Cam 404
Submit your videos to submit.revitup@gmail.com
▶️All videos belong to their respective owners / holders.
Credits for the video(Thank you).
Peter Reid
Near Miss
Andrew M
Almost lost my life to benevolence
(January 2023)
Thomas McDill
Dashcam Near miss , Person comes into my lane to turn
Adam Grube
Near miss I-40 in Albuquerque
Dashcam Near miss
ROAD RATS Id*ts on the Loose
Road rats 4, Driver passing bike on double yellow..
Creating Ash
Near miss on Highway 400 Barrie, ON , Jan 2023
This is why you need a dashcam
Near miss I-84 East Hartford CT
Bad driver
Truck tries to JUMP highway median!?
Tee Tong
White Diagonal stripes overtake
Cd Noony
Lyndhurst hoon
Road Rage Cranbourne Reg.
Caught by pur customer
Jaybird Wedbetter
Intersection Girl! Almost killed the morning of 11/8/22 watch where you are going folks!
Demo One Inc
Great Falls Reckless Driver 2/10/19
Wayne Patrick
14 January 2023
Bad drivers of Lubbock, Car cuts of truck
Terrible bike riding
Car cuts across traffic and almost hits me
Leo verkuijl
Bad drivers of Nederland 234
Red Nissan Z weaving between traffic
Montreal RoadRage
Angry driver hit my car and threatening to beat me up.
Angry driver 640 highway
Uber Loser MT
Using the shoulder as a driving lane
Matt L
Bad driving – Left turn
Driver fails to yield
Dashcam – Cut off by a left turn driver
Please feel free to contact for any query or clarifications related to video/descriptions/credits : submit.revitup@gmail.com
people be thinking daytime lights are enough in the rain or dusk. what they don't understand is we can't see their car as well because there are no back lights. I honk at people or flash my brights to tell them to turn on their headlights because it's dangerous.
4:35 Here we see a complete idiot in the wild, exiting his deathmobile. Those very few seconds he MIGHT have saved by driving like a moron are now long since spent sitting, not to mention years of jacked up insurance rates. Good job idiot. Good job.
the last person that brake checked me got his head slammed through the rear window of his car i sped up and destroyed his car insurance found him at fault i got a new car and he spent 4 months in the hospital
When you're mentally deranged, and you left home without taking your fuckie brain medication, it should considered as a pre-meditated offence. Make them pay dearly !!! Dashcams front and rear should be obligatory in all cars in North America.
Holy Shit…anyone notice that the one SUV that got rammed (8:05) had a bride in it?
The driver in the truck at 5:20 was really lucky that he was not arrested for filing a false police report as that is a felony which could have landed him in prison for a number of years. I am guessing that the cop just did not want to have to deal with all the paperwork that charging him with a felony.
4:33 would have been met with the tire iron, over and over.
boring as hell, you guys think little fender benders and near misses is exciting, wow not me. Not sorry , just my opinion
4:44 Ignorant left lane hogger obviously illegally stays in passing lane knowing he's simply holding up traffic.
8:17 I hope the bride got to the church on time!
7:19 Michelle is listening to we the people university
1:53 "Black Hole Sun, won't you come…"
At 2:04, you have no clue of how to turn either.
I was JUST about to hit that subscribe button. Then @2:33–2:54 happened. Next time edit that SHT out.
0:34 look like the van should had taken the jay walker to court for causing damaged to the vehicle by causing him to swerve. I wonder if that is possible. Clear video showing the van had green light.
0:22 The cammer foolishly thanks god for the protective actions of a nearby motorist, while CONVENIENTLY FORGETTING that god CAUSED the dangerous situation in the first place!
Roadrats: nothing to see there.
4:35 I hope OP got the footage to authorities.
That last clip was the cammers fault. They should have signaled After they passed the car leaving the parking lot. The car thought they were turning into the parking lot.
1:10 nice ending lmao
5.30 get out of the passing lane, clown.
so many pathetic so called people who cannot drive and think at the same time
10:34 You don't need DRL's, just turn your headlights on when it's dark, overcast or raining.
1:28 It worked didn't it? Like a moron you stopped and enabled them instead of blocking their path and enforcing the reverse of shame
Having listened to entitled people on dark fluff, the crazy Karens must make awful drivers because you can bet they take their entitlement on to the road
You must have run out of video's because some of these are old.