From an unexplained phenomena caught on camera, creepy glitches in the matrix that show an alternate reality to a supposed alien sighting I will analyze the creepiest and strangest videos that have recently shaken the internet. Welcome to the Impossible channel where James LaFleur analyses the creepiest and the most mind blowing videos for your entertainment.
Narrated by James LaFleur
👉 James’ channel : http://youtube.com/jaymez
👉 Shorts channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTGisSip_sXFJdEklf9TYRQ
👉 INSTAGRAM http://Instagram.com/jameslafleurofficial
Got strange videos? Contact me thatimpossiblechannel@gmail.com
Mysterious alien sighting :
Imagine being outside with your family and all of a sudden you see something falling from the sky. Then a few minutes later you actually hear a loud boom followed by what looks like a strange alien looking creature in your backyard. Yeah, sounds coming from a sci-fi movie right ? But this is what a boy and a family supposedly captured on camera but wait till you see what happens next.
Glitch in the matrix that shows an alternate reality :
Have you ever heard of the mandela effect ? It’s supposedly a large group of people that remember past events differently than what it actually occurred. Things like the monopoly game guy having a monocle and britney spears wearing a microphone at a clip and so on and so forth. This has been happening for a few decades and no one knows why. Now this is where things get creepy: Apparently a TikTok user was able to record this supposed alternate reality with a very old camera and people wanna know more…how is he doing this ?
Unexplained phenomena at the sea :
The ocean is not just home to life but home to many mysteries. From stories of mermaids to possible alien-life who knows what lurks beneath it ? Well a couple of fishermen now know a bit more… a couple of weeks ago they were fishing at a surfing spot when they saw this mysterious and eerie luminous object in the middle of the ocean and upon approaching it something came out of this luminous object…something that according to many internet users looked like a mermaid. But is it ? Let’s find out.
Paranormal encounters with a shadow person :
Some say that refurbishing a home can actually trigger paranormal events. But is it so ? A TikTok user by the name of @WynnMcPics apperantly had a normal life up until a few months ago. He used to upload regular vlog type videos with his family until one day he started posting really scary videos of what’s supposed to be a ghost that is haunting his home. Some say it’s because he refurbished his house while others say it could possibly be a poltergeist, and I thought it could be fake until I noticed his dog reacting to all of it…so what is going on here ?
Credits :
Background music – epidemic sound
CO.AG – https://bit.ly/3fxBGD5
REPULSIVE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRbuU_ffaJuxagEGpXfNkg
The monopoly guy did have an eye glass I know for a fact,I have no doubt at all
The Las Vegas case, it was just two crackheads that got into the wrong substance.
that thing about brittany spears.
Like, i know alot of the madella stuff, Like the bear book and "mirror mirror"
I know how those got confused.
But what the actual fuck. She had a plaid skirt, and used a mic openly.
Fucking pulling the plug on that crap.
what was the point of the Britney Spears clip at 0:30 ?
The bed doppelgänger of her mom was an edit. Look at where her moms hand was at. The sheet moves once she’s out of sight. I believe in this stuff but please try and look at it with a skeptical point of view. People believing in everything without any evidence is the reason no one takes it seriously smh
AT CLOSE UP , inside the forklift , there is 2 black pipes that seem to be 2 heads with lighted eyes, those are part of the forklift. But exactly above the right black pipe , at the driver's seat, you can see the alien. The creature has a very long neck, very big head , blinking eyes and he is moving a little. Is kind a invisible thought but you can still see him very well, you just need to pause and pause the video, you will see him, is there. if you can't see him in this video look for another video with enhancement
Anyone know where Tyler from secureteam10 is?
The under water blue light came from USO n the entity was driving it
n it was transparent vehicle n alien was inside that USO operating it.
Very interesting but please don't try to appear intellectual by quoting 3.5 billion years ago when life began oh deary deary me …absolute ludicrous how do "they" know that, I'm convinced you could pull the wool over the gullible "don't research anything for themselves mob" that it could be any huge number ….er give or take a day or two …what rot.
I believe I may have solved the Mandela effect…or my Theory, and someone else might have already stated something similar to my thought credit to them. Half the sphere or consumers were shown a certain product on Tv and whenever consumers purchased the items they received the knockoff versions. Throughout the lens used in the old camera you see the commercial version not live version. Or phone is programmed to read labels and swap for original commercial trademark.
Ugh. Hate the "Mandela Effect" crap. Its literally provably wrong. People just get pissed that our memories suck so bad. Everyone thinks they are just some unique flower or some shit, but they just arent. They think that THEY are different and that THEIR memory is SPECIAL and blah blah blah. It isnt and they arent. Mandela stuff is dumb. People have shitty memories. The end.
i seriously don't get how this is a thing A GHOST IS A POLTERGEIST
The monopoly guy never had an eyeglass , people are getting him mixed up with Mr Peanut , top hat cane and eyeglass , but monopoly guy never had it , I’m a kid from the 60’s , still have a monopoly game from that time era , no eyeglass. At least that’s my opinion on the monopoly guy , people are just getting them confused , yeah one is a peanut and the other is a guy but only one has an eyeglass. Simple mistake.
demons running amuck
Looks like the host is wearing a wig
What’s it is…is a funny video 😄
The last one is a reptilian demon coming from another dimension. Thats how they can do physical and non physical things. INTER-DIMENSIONAL DEMON
the goal predict it's impossible to be fake, they were a filming live event, you can't fake live. true 100%
Wh do all theses videos happen to Spanish speaking people?
I remember when Brittany used a mic and plaid skirt and monopoly guy had a Moniqul
12:49 im surprised this guy hasnt gotten a visit from (the men in black).
I would guess that the tornado on Aug 29, 1993 caught the Santa Rosa train in its eye in the past. This caused the train and its occupants to lose their time sync in such a way that it's drifted out of sync with our own. It's possible that intermittently we could see the train on one of these occasions but it would depend upon biorhythms between the two times (ours and theirs). In a similar fashion, a Guadalajara-bound passenger train vanished on its way to Manzanillo after the August 1944 Jamaica hurricane crossed Mexico.
humans , you were no the first inhabitants of earth, we have been here longer than humanity, this is our world not yours, it is shared by many types of life but you treat it like it is your own and only yours. You all need to wake up from your technological sleep and start paying attention to our surroundings. growing up is not about age. You have a lot to learn but are unwilling on masse. You are your own downfall, but we will be here long after you have gone and due to your addiction to ignoring your actual reality, when it all ends, you will not even see it until it is….too late.
What's the glitch in the matrix at the part with the reflection of the building?
It's absolutely fake because they don't put the light on
I believe these mega rich esoteric organizations gain access to ancient information pertaining to technology.now i know we're all taught backwards when there were glimses of proof that theres nothing new under the sun.
why doesn't anyone set up some anti-aircraft positions and take these things out of the sky??? Just shoot it, see what happens & when it comes down, all questions should be answered.!!!
weres the scp fundacion wen you need it😅
I think people are confusing that monopoly monical with the planters peanut guy one…idk.
i saw the same "green light" in winter 2021 – 22 (Belgium) i've reported it to the MUFON
@20:35 I believe that this is a reverse diver. An underwater species, using a submersible to go to shallowater, and then leaving said submersible to explore the shallow Waters, being as they come from a very deep habitat.
@19:20 In 2013, during an animal planet documentary, some type of underwater humanoid actually swims up to the submersible and touches its front windshield. This was caught on camera during the documentary, and aired on animal planet. The creature in this video actually looks exactly like that creature did, complete with glowing eyes.
In 2012 the Earth was destroyed by a large asteroid. However, many of the electromagnetic signals that operate our brain as a user interface to be able to control the body, used quantum entanglement to jump to the next nearest quantum variant of Earth. These "souls" can still remember many of the tiny subtle variations between the previous Earth we once lived on, and the new Earth we escaped to when our old Earth was destroyed. Hence, the Mandela Effect.
Showing obvious bullshit clips of a 747 suspended in air discredits the entire video.
There's a Spanish train that runs between
Guadalquivir and old Saville
And at dead of night the whistle blows
And people hear she's running still
I don't want to know andale homes xd
Some scary 😦 😟 😧 sh*t crazy 😜 sh*t, 😮mean da dope.?!
The creepy thing under her bed had glasses on like her mum.
britney defentaly had a mic on her in that scene.
11:19 – I don’t get this Monopoly thing…. What am I supposed to see that I’m missing?
This is the first notification I’ve seen from you in a long time!