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Games Played in This Video : The Isle
Streamers Getting jumpscared while playing The Isle Compilation.Experience fierce open world survival gameplay as you attempt to stay alive on an unforgiving island inhabited by dinosaurs! Hunt. Grow. Survive. Thanks For Watching, Leave a like and Sub.
“Intro Music: Sagittarius V – Lucidator
https://sagittariusvmusic.bandcamp.com ”
* This video was not made to steal content, it was made just to promote channels and make good videos *
Check out this amazing streamers. All Credits To Them.
39daph https://www.twitch.tv/39daph
aceu https://www.twitch.tv/aceu
BikeMan https://www.twitch.tv/BikeMan
BrookeAB https://www.twitch.tv/BrookeAB
BurkeBlack https://www.twitch.tv/BurkeBlack
Criken https://www.twitch.tv/Criken
CRREAM https://www.twitch.tv/CRREAM
Dacchei https://www.twitch.tv/Dacchei
Greekgodx https://www.twitch.tv/Greekgodx
Im_Dontai https://www.twitch.tv/Im_Dontai
LIRIK https://www.twitch.tv/LIRIK
sodapoppin https://www.twitch.tv/sodapoppin
SovietWomble https://www.twitch.tv/SovietWomble
Strippin https://www.twitch.tv/Strippin
TeosGame https://www.twitch.tv/TeosGame
Tomato https://www.twitch.tv/Tomato
Trinity https://www.twitch.tv/Trinity
xQc https://www.twitch.tv/xQc
Intro 0:00
Description 0:21
Reactions 1:09
#jumpscare #compilation
I used to watch all your compilations before you started commenting over them. It really takes you out of the clip to hear your voice at the same level as theirs over the clip.
If you really want to comment on the clips maybe do it for only a few and after the clip maybe not during.
Wait how Tf did the first guy in the video see a hypo Rex? Was that a dev??
I think the video would've been better if there was no commentary over the reactions.
Stay the phuk outta that water. Even if the prehistoric days
The T-Rex in the beginning was so humble…. it Actually waited for him 🤣🤣
2:36 that made me twitch so badly i rewinded back to the Desciptions part of the vid XD