True Disturbing Reddit Posts Compilation – June edition

True Disturbing Reddit Posts Compilation - June edition
Spread The Viralist

This is our collection of 27 disturbing true stories found on Reddit from June ’23. Please enjoy 130+ minutes of true terror. Like and subscribe for more!

Follow us on Instagram @MalevolentMischief

Story 1: 0:00
Story 2: 6:37
Story 3: 13:14
Story 4: 16:45
Story 5: 20:35
Story 6: 23:29
Story 7: 28:00
Story 8: 38:53
Story 9: 43:01
Story 10: 46:33
Story 11: 51:16
Story 12: 54:58
Story 13: 58:40
Story 14: 1:03:42
Story 15: 1:08:15
Story 16: 1:13:06
Story 17: 1:15:55
Story 18: 1:21:12
Story 19: 1:26:53
Story 20: 1:30:11
Story 21: 1:34:27
Story 22: 1:37:43
Story 23: 1:41:04
Story 24: 1:50:05
Story 25: 1:54:11
Story 26: 1:57:10
Story 27: 2:11:35

If you have a story you’d like for me to narrate, please submit it to [[]]

Wondering about my recording setup? Check the key components below. 👇
If you’re interested in adding any of these to your studio, please consider using my affiliate links. ✌️

Yeti Blue Microphone :
2022 MacBook Air M2 512 GB :
Apple Keyboard + Magic Mouse :
Boom Arm for Blue Yeti Mic :


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About the Author: Malevolent Mischief


  1. When I was 16 and my sister was 13, our family moved house so that, for the first time, the two of us had to catch a bus to and from school instead of walking. We were at different schools and caught different buses, but they both arrived in our new home village at roughly the same time, so I met my sister and we walked the rest of the way home together. This must have happened very soon after we moved, maybe a week or so. The walk was less than a mile. It was a hot day. About half-way there, as we prepared to cross the road to enter the housing estate, a car pulled up at the kerb in front of us and the driver asked if he could give us a lift. The car was red, but that's all I remember about it. I said no, it wasn't far. My sister wanted to accept, but I took her arm and refused. He was quite persuasive and really tried to get us into the car, but I said it was fine, we were nearly there. My sister tried again to let us get into the car. I don't remember exactly what the man said – the usual things about us looking tired and him knowing our parents and wanting to help, I expect, but it was a very long time ago now. He eventually took no for an answer and drove off. I should probably have been more worried than I was at the time. I didn't recognise him and, as I say, we hadn't lived there long at all so it was very unlikely that he did know our family, and it would have been pointless to give us a lift for the very short distance to our house, so I really tend to think he was up to no good. This was in a small village in Hampshire, England, in 1976. I wonder what would have happened if we had got into that car …

  2. Story 7- I was unaware there are cicadas in so cal and that there’s a difference between northern and so cal license plates… I’ve lived here my whole life 🤔

  3. Devoured this to sleep to last night. I woke up when it was over and something else played, and replayed it. 🙂 Thank you! Keep up your hard work! ^_^

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