I build 6 of World’s biggest Lego sets, just to destroy them…
Check out my bonus gaming video where I play Lego 2K Drive: https://youtu.be/SsLlBUpwzaY
🎥 INSTAGRAM for BTS, sneak peaks, updates, special announcements: https://www.instagram.com/td_the_creator/
📱TIKTOK for short form content: tiktok.com/@td_the_creator
✉️ EMAIL for business inquiries: td.brickz@gmail.com
Podcast where I answer my most frequently asked questions: https://youtu.be/pYF1AyTg2q4
🎶 MUSIC credits:
Epidemic Sound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/c3oiyn
Fire beats from Emix Music: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOok…
How I make my videos
Camera: Canon EOS R
Mic: RODE VideoMic Go
Editing Software: Final Cut Pro Xeg
Since I haven't posted in 4 weeks, here's a bonus video where I play the new Lego 2K Drive game: https://youtu.be/SsLlBUpwzaY
We making out the lego city with this one ☝️
This guy is the bravest Lego person ever
He's crying to sleep cuz of this
You fgot the great pyramid of giza😢
you sussy
Do you like Brazil?
1:44 wow! you did a really good job simulating the country of france!
I want you to built a lego airport.😎
Why do I get so happy watching ur vids 😅
It looked tike like his bruise is too deep
td i think in your LEGO world map and my globe exploded my house
1:55 pro arsonist
Please make Lego Skibidi I sub
Give me one that please
I like
When you realized every villian of the story is you😮
My name is Thank you! To 😮
Rip lego guy got smashed
I’m a professional Lego guy and I’m getting hurt watching this😂😢
It’s COST, not COSTED.
Bro gave green legi blocks as money
"No legos where harm"
Do a lego war with your lego mechs
I am your biggest fan where do you Live I'll give you a thousand dollars
Can you make video about trying lego apps
Bro why does this has to be taller than me
This makes me feel frustrated yet happy
Hey that’s the Lego store I go to
Bro forgot about the actual functional Lego bugatti
Can I be in a video
Don't some Lego enthusiasts use Super glue to hold everything together?
I love the content you make but this video hurts
I did a video of firecrackers smaller then these and it got deleted!!!
I have the mlium falcon
Everytime he tryed to break it I cringed so hard
Every Lego builders nightmare🫣
Tdbricks inspired me to make a collection of Lego
Dont say crap this will happend:crap=stinky=ugly=no family=no food=skinny=dead😅😂
My mom said ur gae💀💀💀
That's the truth 😐
Can you try making Lego builds of knock off Lego builds?
TD bricks ur mean