The Chicago area is assessing the damage after tornadoes touched down Wednesday night. One hit near O’Hare International Airport, forcing people to take shelter and disrupting hundreds of flights. CBS News correspondent Roxana Saberi is in McCook, Illinois, with more.
#news #tornadoes #chicago
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Even a Tornado can't remove the Town C0RRUPT10N !
Easy🔥 2:10
How much was diameter roughly .
Jay shree ram.
Im in elgin i slept thru it all lol
I thought Chicago would never affected by tornados… It is very strange for me as i lived in Chicago for about ten years.
Woodridge/Naperville had EF-3 tornado 2 years ago on Fathers Day Yes, WE GET TORNADOES…
Lived in North Chicago and yes they do have 🌪 3 years ago they had a wall cloud it was full of dust coming miles away never seen anything like that
Jesus is coming soon . Hope everyone is getting right with God while there is still time. Repent of your Sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and accept the free gift of eternal lasting life. …I know I am working on myself with the help Of God the creator of the Heavens and the earth. To get right within and repent of my sins . God is my Super hero and Jesus is my savior…I pray that anyone reading this turns to God while there still alive in the flesh so that you might be accepted into the kingdom of Heaven. The Bible teaches us that the only way into Heaven is through Jesus Christ the king of Kings Lord of Lords . He is our savior and the only way to Heaven is through him…God Bless everyone. The World needs Jesus way more now then like ever before . Come oh Lord Come soon We Love you Heavenly Father our creator The Alpha and the Omega…You are amazing oh Lord❤❤…Amen
Glad to hear no one hurt.
No reports of injuries.
Time to repent, democrats
U see tornadoes hit cities 😢😢😢😢
U peopl are waes bt u new to peopl buimsm
4years go
My home town. Hope to God everyone is safe and doing OK🙏 Peace and Love ☮️❤️
Muh climate change 🤡🎪
Less damage than your little "protesters". 🤣😅
Should be grateful.
Manipulated weather Warfare
Did this stop the shootings?
Hahahahaha!!!! Oh man, Chicago just getting rammed from all ends.
Record Crime,Floods,Riots,Tornadoes,Business Closures,Record Murders & Losing Population..Chicago is starting to resemble the Biden White House..
Wait for it, wait for it……………………………. Global warming😅
Many people who haven't prayed in years most likely prayed out of fear. Hopefully prayer won't be put on back shelf again🙏
"The BIBLE" Greatest Book Ever Written.
Last Days Prophecy!
Babylon The Great (America) has Fallen.
All Praises To The Most High and his Son, The Black Messiah.
ELOHIM Righteous Judgment Is Upon America The Wicked!!!
Boutta lose the first tornado to gun violence, RIP
I think it's time to really look at the time of year and then ask yourselves questions about "why would it be happening now?". We have far to much denial going on here. Stop listening billionaires and paid news propaganda and start thinking.
Do you tell the Tornado stroms are as usual ?
Skyline motel in McCook is a flea bag place anyway
Need a few of these in the South. less Trump voters next year.
Hit here by me in Countryside & Hodgkins.
That's not Chicago. Ask them if live in chicago
Allah thật vĩ đại
Just like the streets of Chi-raq. Yo, Mother Nature representing and keeping it real. YO! MTV Raps.
Look up the Oaklawn tornado of 1967.
Climate change is coming we will see phenomena tornado sightings like this more often in unexpected places such as a metro rich area like Chicago prepare for the wrath
You sure it was tornadoes and not the young peaceful ghetto youth?
Climate change will have a huge impact everywhere. What are our lawmakers doing about it….???!!! NOTHING!!! INFURIATING that we have such existential issues and the government is a complete circus thanks to Trump and the IGNORANT GOP!!!! If only Al Gore had been given the presidency (he won the popular vote) instead of GOP Bush, we would be in significantly better shape to deal with climate change now. HEAD IN THE SAND IS NOT A STRATEGY!
As someone from Oklahoma I wondered if you all have a safety program and/or early warning system? My daughter and I keep our BOBs (bug out bags) continuously ready. And, I'm sorry but, 90 tornadoes in over 100+ years is not many, to us. Please, get warning sirens and a personal escape plan ready. When I heard a man shout "tornado!", all I could think was "where are the sirens?" The fact you could hear his shout was odd to me.
Interesting.. God is only targeting democratic states
Yeah tornados have never hit Illinois before…oh wait there have been 4-5 every year for the past 100 years. This has to be due to climate change. I mean it rained yesterday…in July! That hasn't happened since the day before! Checking back in July we normally only get 15 days of rain ever year…for the past 100 years. Whats next? In winter it snowed in Chicago…Climate Change! You know when the wather continually occurs there is no change involved.