This is a compilation of the most insane car crashes and driving fails caught on dash and helmet camera from around the world. Hope you enjoy watching and please drive safely and keep yourself and others safe.
In this video series I’m trying to show situations on our roads which are for educational purposes, so the drivers can learn from other mistakes, not their own.
These videos provide authentic footage of incidents that are recorded on dash cameras and helmet cameras. I highly believe this footage can be used as an educational and an informational guide for viewers to analyze and evaluate situations and to prevent any future mishaps & incident
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Please email if you have any clips you would like to be added to my next Compilation –
#Kompilacja wypadków samochodowych
#Zusammenstellung von Autounfällen
#कार क्रैश संकलन
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Такое ощущение что люди торопятся место на кладбище занять. Боятся что им не достанется
Мляя. Уже достали мерится у кого яйца круче. А страдают даже те у кого их нет
They must not have any brakes on some of there cars and there cars are made out of tissue paper
how many car crashes total
Rusia,a third world country
ich liebe es wie sich die leute gegenseitig aus dem verkehr nehmen ^^ohne richtigen führerschein etc geh es nicht sieht man bei den ammis un russen am besten^^
No wonder why they gonna loose war in Ukraina.
A normal day in Russia.
Zuviel vodka Russen Gott unmöglich
Die Wodkaflasche auf dem Beifahrersitz!!! Kaum zu glauben !!!
0:23 you should next stand in the highway you'll get run over 🤦🥴
I russia they have no clue how to drive! In america they driving like a seek maniacs
gotta love Russian drivers
Sono così assurdi ma al tempo stesso evitabili con un pizzico di buon senso questi incidenti, che l'unica cosa che mi viene in mente è che si tratti di ubriachi alla guida.
6:10 that woman being ejected out the windshield could not possibly have survived
seen a lot of these type videos ,, must be a thing in the drivers book that I missed ,, don't look just turn in front of traffic and just smash the gas down you will drive right threw the car that is stopped in front of you ..also don't leave a gap between you and the car in front of you ,, and swerve into the other lane a go head on with 2 or 3 more cars .. and cars are backed up on a 2 lane lets just pass in the other lane and floor it ,, oh sheep a car is turning left .. then the car repair and drive .. never tighten your lug nuts tight makes it a lot easier to change a flat time SO WHAT the tires fall off going 60 mph ..and drive 100 mph in the rain and snow ..
2:20 как это случилось? Скорость небольшая вроде была!
They just don't give a shit about people involved in the accidents
0:42 вся суть этих дтп.
More free vodka for all Удивительно, как плохо водят в России.
Does ANYONE look at the road ahead of them when driving?
In Russia, a driver's license is not as easy to earn as you think) Some people hand them over several times, so please don't talk about vodka. By the way, I have a bear playing balalaika at home. Haha, just kidding.
Will I guess they have idiots ALL over the world 🌍👍🌍👍🌍
And yes you have to think 🤔 for them which is really bad 😂🤣😅
In Russia, you don't have an accident.
An accident has you.
Now you know why Russia is the country with the worst drivers. Vodka and car is a bad combination.
I would sentence people to death penalty for being stupid in traffic. That way, idiots will think twice before they apply for driver licence.
👎за мат
So many of these were total face palm moments, like, "truck, what truck?" How could they not see those collisions coming?
In russia the car drives you😂😂😂
why russians never using the breaks in those ultra dangerous roads snowing and raining plus >120hph is total crazyness
I've seen worse car accidents in California, Vegas, Chicago, Georgia, Florida, Phoenix, Texas, New Jersey, and New York!. But again, if humans drive off emotions. Stupid accidents will happen.
Videos like this are very calming and relaxing to me….they have a comforting effect
"This road ain't big enough for the two of us" 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 5:39
Ruskie same się powybijaja naturalna selekcja
what is the difference between a Russian-Ukrainian battlefield and Russian roads, not a big one. A lot of vodka and driving licenses won in the lottery speak for themselves
Maybe our Russian friends should have stuck with horses… but then, they'd probably drunkenly collide them as well…
2:50 типичные российские дэбиLы
Zacofany naród i te ich zajebiste automasziny 😅😅
А когда разрешат ездить 150 км/ч?
Commend your path to God. 🛤️🕊️✨
Russians are damn funny Thier reaction after accident is heroic, and the woman don't scream, unlike the Malay woman in Malaysia.
what the fuck
why is the first one swollen and continues part 2
This videogame has the most realistic sounds!
So many people record the crashes, but not many show concern enough for another human being to stop and insure the people are okay. Sad to think 10 mins of fame on YouTube and tictok define what type of people they are.
6,25min il a oublier la ceinture le mec
Les russes sont comme poutine FOUS