Co-driver dies after car crashes during Forest Rally Race

Co-driver dies after car crashes during Forest Rally Race
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“The American Rally Association and New England Forest Rally continue to express its deepest condolences to Erin’s family, team, and many friends.”
Read the full story here:


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About the Author: NEWS CENTER Maine


  1. So hard this year with Block and Breen at the beginning of the year, and now Kelly another veteran of the sport and she was a champion of the regional eastern championship in 2018 so she should be remembered as a championship 🤍💔

  2. The waivers for events like this are everything to include death. These races can kill you. The risks are known.

  3. Happened yesterday on the south arm road Wilson mills quarter i knew something bad happened when the cars stopped going through i was on Richardson lake fishing and I could see the stage and then heard sirens coming i knew in my gut something bad happened my prayers and condolences to everyone involved

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