Insane cars fails and idiot drivers, idiots in cars & crash compilation.
We are always impressed with the incredible moments when the car fails and breaks down. What are you waiting for from idiots in cars compilation? Guess what surprises we’ll have caught in the dashcam? Let’s get started!
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This video is researched by Rosetta B. Doyle
Geo coordinates 35.404159, -119.452888
Mother’s maiden name Cary
Birthday: 1968-11-12 Age 54 years old
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We does not own the rights to these video clips. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of educating and inspiring others. However, if any content owners would like their images removed. Please contact me:
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– Email: duy838.vv@gmail.com
Can't understand what you're saying. I would just play the videos. No need for commentary. Good clips though.
Repeats replays and all taken from other tubers channels. You can do better
This dude really thought he could steer his jet ski on its trailer idiots in boat
Those two men whose boat was trapped in the sink hole must have been terrified. idiots in boat
Me : Dude, help that lizard !!! It's gonna drown if it falls of that buoy !!! idiots in boat
Lol. Guy jumped on the jet ski on a trailer rolling down the road and thought he could steer it. idiots in boat
The 2 happiest days in a boat owners life: the day he buys it, and the day he sells it idiots in boat
2:33 has to be the scariest thing I've ever seen. Imagine you being sucked in a sinking spiraling mudding vortex hole that dissapears into no one knows. idiots in boat
The pissed sea lion tossing that Russian dude is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while idiots in boat
The pissed sea lion tossing that Russian dude is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while idiots in boat
The boat owner regretted letting him rent the boat idiots in boat
nothing but the same old replays seen here and elsewhere for years
Watched that guy on the motorcycle about 20 times still laugh my ass off him falling into boat idiots in boats
Folks, TVs and movie screens are horizontal for a reason. idiots in boats
The guy that parked his truck on the boat ramp would’ve come back to 4 flat tires. idiots in boats
I wonder how many times that barefoot waterskiier crashed hard before learning to do all that stuff. That boat was moving so fast! idiots in boats
You, know, if you guys stopped using vertical video footage, people might start videoing correctly, which is horizontally. idiots in boats
How cruel are those blokes laughing when that poor man was asking for help, some mates they are, NOT idiots in boats
give him a bottle of water but keep throwing up need a burley trail idiots in boats
So I waited all that time just to see the screenshot at the end 😂😂😂
People barely know how to drive a car, let alone a boat
How many paused as soon as the video started 😍
The stupidity of boaters and boat owners can never be underestimated.
The blue yacht that hit the dock did it on purpose because they lost control, it was either that or a bridge and there's a big story on YouTube about it
thanks for explaining what we're seeing with our own eyes
Men of culture ,we meet once again