Idiots In Cars #03
This video is an ultimate car crash compilation 2021, idiots in cars, driving fails & bad drivers compilation of 2021 (USA, CANADA, UK, AUSTRALIA & MORE) in the series that is all about terrible car crashes, idiots in cars, hit and run, instant karma, near miss, learning how to drive, crazy drivers, brake check, close calls, supercar fail, rear-ended, accident, funny car fails, dashcam fails, etc.
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Idiots In Cars #01
Idiots In Cars #02
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On Car Crash Central you will find a unique, original & large selection of videos on topics of cars like idiot drivers, road rage, driving fails, close calls, instant karma, funny jokes, car accident, failure, incredible luck & many other collections from all around the world.
This channel & video is inspired by Idiots In Cars, Dash Cam Owners Australia, Caught on Camera, Dashcam Central, Supercar Fails, Idiots On Wheels, Dashcam Academy, MegaDrivingSchool, Dashcam Time, Clip Central, DDS TV, Fury Road, CC TUBE – Driving Fails & Road Rage & Many More.
#IdiotsInCars #DrivingFails #RoadRage
5:00 🤦♀
What is this song at 1:42?
Damn, I wanted to see the train hit that car. lol!
The lady at 1:55 had time to inhale and scream but not hit the brakes… Nice….
1:53 The other guy had the stop sign.
2:31 wtf
3:33 mans got taste
4:27 lol
The lambo video: guy can afford a lambo and a mini horse but buys a canned coke? 💀💀💀💀💀
2:22 imagine what would have happened if there wasn’t that second car turning! Those 2 people and the toddler in the stroller would’ve been killed because of that moron!
Brake: ❌
Scream: ✅
1:13 thanks to the idiots in front the lady with the dashcam vid died from impact from behind
Not the vehicle at 2:45 already having been hit in the side before. Driver just don't learn apparently.
There are monster energy stickers on my lifted dodge ram pick up. XD That made me laugh.
How did these people get their license
I have yet to see a video that tops the one I saw in Japan Tsunami. I guy gets out of his car to escape the wall of water and comes back to shut the door of his car just before it is swept away.
1:57 her fault since she couldnt go straight and the other person had right of way
What was wrong with the horse in the car
The camper at 1:45 is actually from the Discovery show Street Outlaws.
At 5:40 I don’t see what’s wrong lol. If a guy can bring a 100 pound dog in there car why can’t someone brings 100 pound baby pony?
He was trying to kill that car on purpose at the end lol – great brakes on that freight train!!!!
After seeing lots of videos like this, I’m convinced people in the U.S can’t drive
On the clip at 2:24 the one person who was going to turn was a hero by speeding up and going straight to save the lady from the speeding vehicle
At 4:27 thro