Idiots In Cars Compilation #79 (Road Rage, Instant Karma & MORE!)

Idiots In Cars Compilation #79 (Road Rage, Instant Karma & MORE!)
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Idiots In Cars Compilation #79 (Road Rage, Instant Karma & MORE!)

These Idiots in cars were caught on camera doing some pretty crazing driving! We put together a compilation of some of the funniest idiots in cars moments in the past year. If you have had any experience with idiots in cars who got in a crash, had bad road rage, Insant Karma, and more please send us your dashcam footage! We would love to have you footage in our next Idiots In Cars compilation!

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About the Author: Idiot Drivers


  1. 2:37 the Tesla should also be labeled an idiot. He cut in front of the car and made the car use their brakes. Anytime you change a lane and someone has to either brake, speed up, or swerve, you are the problem.

  2. All you people drive like you own the road, YOU DO NOT we must share the road and respect each other! Slow down, look ahead, stay off your phones!

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