In this true crime documentary we look at the case of Georgia Williams. Georgia Williams was thriving in all areas of her life, school, work and looking to her future. Through this true crime documentary we discover what happened to Georgia Williams after Jamie Reynolds invited her for a photo shoot at his parents house. Jamie Reynolds had a dark past that nobody could have guessed.
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this element gives me the creeps. Thanks to justice he will not be able to kill anyone else. The prevention of this case should be greater analysis of content on social platforms 🤔🤨🧐🤔
I love your channel but you do sound a bit like an AI automated voice over. Sorry- just constructive feedback 🙂
I don’t think the punishment fits the crime. I think they should’ve taken his life the same way that he took hers.
“Clever, pretty, lovely in every way!” What a beautiful sentiment. 😢
R.I.P. Georgia 😔😢😔
Thank you!
Can not prevent this shit.dont say stupid shit man.
"Find me.. another meme"?
Now it's time for The United Kingdom to return to The Nuremberg Trials ways of dealing with the cold blooded murderer, run this murderer through the courts and pass down The Death Sentence and carry out his quick public Execution by The Hangman's gallows, this will straighten out the laughing remorseless giggling cold blooded murderer when he realizes that he will be Executed before his next birthday.
The lack of remorse here is absolutely shocking
Yet again kindness get a beautiful woman taken advantage of… rip Georgia
She looked a bit like Celine Dion. Poor girl.
Who forgot to finish cutting Jamie’s hair? Was he so repulsive they couldn’t bear to finish it?
Why would you let anyone take pics of you simulating death in any way. WTF? People wake up, no one is ever trustworthy enough. No one.
When this is the only reason anyone knows your town 😪 I remember this. We was the same age. I was also in college. I remember hearing how they found a body in the woods
I can relate to this guy. Except, I like my women like I like my coffee. Ground up and in the freezer…
A few things.
Her dads a cop and they wait over 36 hours to call police.
The girl was happy to have a noose around her neck and put on a stool. There are some stupid people around.
At least he will never get out of prison
THERE IS A VERY DEEP PROBLEM WHEN YOU THINK IT IS OK TO BE PHOTOGRAPHED WITH A NOOSE AROUND YOUR NECK! Young people need to get EVIL AND EVIL isn’t something you play around with and start opening the Bible and get to know GOD!
😢😢😢 R.I.P Georgia
Prayers for her family and friends❤❤❤
It's so sad how her friends talked about her in the present tense. That monster attempted to strangle a girl when he was 16 is such a huge warning that went unheeded. And Georgia paid for it with her life. At least he was so inept that he was caught before he could do it again. He belongs in jail at the very least. Georgia genuinely seemed to be a lovely person. RIP
This one is particularly evil.
He deserves to rot and never ever see the light of day outside of prison grounds. My heart goes out to her family. Just knowing what he did even without seeing the pics is grissly enough, I can’t imagine the pain. And she wanted to do work doing something that saves people, this is too sad 😢
I really enjoy your content but am hugely disappointed that Mona Corona was not mentioned.
Useless lazy police, alot of these cases include that unfortunately.
Georgia be same age has my little sis and my son ty ty born in 95 Sophie born in 94 ….❤❤ love them both so much …rip georgia 🎉❤ thought's with your family freinds )))
I'd love to know what the parents of young killers think.
A family so good to a mental freak , a good sentence would be best of a photo shoot of him hanging in a public square
She looks like a kind , sweet girl its ashock
to all girls and women…. stop feeling sorry for the freak or creep…..and try to help them…
dont be just friends with them….any red flags….. just ignore them….
why is everybody always looking for remorse ? these monsters dont have remorse….
the problem is that one day they will let him out again…. we know it… and he knows it
I never seen something like this case I mean they were a coworkers and friends poor girl didn't know what will happen when she put that ligature over her neck I just hope that it was fast and that she didn't feel anything but I doubt about that she was wonderful girl and human being who could give so much to this world I am so sorry that she lost her life like this believing that he is her friend and she feels secure with him I think when she released what is happening that she must be terefaid I hope that she resting in peace 🕊️❤️ about him I only have one word evil 👿 pure sadistic evil depraved non human being what he done to her is horrific and terefaing and about necrophilia I won't even speak because it is the last humiliation to person he needed to be in prison for the first crime that he done at 17 years old and maybe this will never happened he is totally descasting evil monster he deserve life in prison because we in whole Europe have a low sentence and I think that is shame just because we want to be civilized but that is wrong we need change lows and have punishment like in US for this crime in some states he will be sentence to death but I am very glad that he got full life order he deserves to rot in prison forever and in hell too that is my opinion well, my friend DCD ❤️ hope you having wonderful time and enjoying in the summer ⛱️🌞❤️ sending greetings to you and UK 🌟❤️ from me and Croatia ✌️ &❤️
Shalom from Mississippi gulf coast 😇🥳😁
It is very seldom I think the punishment fits the crime in the cases you cover, how can something like this be prevented? I don't have an answer sadly, it can only be prevented from occurring again
Why do people that work have to pay to keep these weak willed creatures alive?
False advertising, not a single BBC to be seen☹️
6:01 Μισό λεπτό ρε παιδιά παραλίγο να στραγγαλίσει μία κοπέλα και τον αφήνει η δικαιοσύνη μόνο με μία προειδοποίηση? Ωραία δικαιοσύνη εκεί στην Αγγλία..κρίμα στο αθώο γλυκό κορίτσι
Grown people addressing potential partners as crush is so childish. You either like that person or not were there there are interested in one said person or not. Own up to it. imo.
"I like my girls dead"
Man, lock him up and throw away the key… like in solitary no food or water
Ah the forbidden rule.. to brighten the room. 😢
That's good to know that he will die in prison and deserving so as he never had a second thought for her life so why should anyone have a second thought for his.