350. 30 Scary Moments! Giraffes Fight Brutally To The Last Breath | Animal Fight
The giraffe is also known as a mischievous wild animal fight, growing up to 5m tall and weighing up to 1 ton. Although they appear to be a fearsome animal with their long neck and large sharp horns, they are actually very timid and only use their horns to protect themselves in times of need.
One day, when a giraffe was walking in the meadow, it was suddenly attacked by a cheetah. The cheetah quickly bit the giraffe’s neck and tried to drag it to the ground. Giraffes lost their balance and fell to the ground, but they didn’t give up. It used its horns to punch the leopard in the stomach and try to regain control. animal fight
But the cheetah is not one to be easily defeated. It responds by attacking the giraffe with its strength and speed. The attacks of the cheetah caused the giraffe to suffer severe injuries, and it had also been hungry for a long time. But even so, the giraffe still managed to regain control by using its horns to smack the cheetah in the face.
The battle between these two wild animal fights lasted for many hours. Many times the giraffe almost died a few parts, but it did not give up. It not only deceives the cheetah with its flexibility, but also uses the power of its horns to attack and protect itself.
In the end, the giraffe won. The cheetah had to give up and flee the scene. The giraffe was rescued from a threatened situation and feels proud to have saved its life in that arduous fight. After defeating the enemy, the giraffe continues to walk in the grasslands and search for food to compensate for the damage in battle.
The fight between giraffe and cheetah has shown the mischievousness, courage and flexibility of wild animal fight in dangerous situation. They not only rely on strength and blind attacks, but also skillfully use self-defense skills to protect themselves and defeat enemies.
00:00 animal fight
00:55 giraffe fight
01:21 lion vs giraffe
04:20 lion fight
07:30 Injured giraffe
09:03 lion vs zebra
11:01 lion vs wildebeests
13:15 wildebeests fight
The video uses some cleverly edited footage for the purpose of showing the audience the possible outcomes for wild animals in the wild and is not intended to alter the facts.
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This Video researched by: Jamison Mayer DDS
Address: 093 Schiller Junction Suite 767 Deborahfurt, NV 19847
Geographic coordinates: 62.971989,-155.543882
Mother’s maiden name: Rempel
Date 1996-07-21
Age 26 years old
The Hawk does not fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright Disclaimer, Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “Fair Use” is permitted for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.
For any commercial/general/copyright inquiries
contact: animalsfightusa@gmail.com
It is not the same lioness. The first one could barely walk. No way could she jump on four paws, move so quickly and pounce on a wildebeest.
the spectacle of giraffes, or 'titanic twiga' as they're known, necking can be intense. However, it's important to note that these battles, while appearing brutal, are a natural aspect of their behavior. Mostly, they're contests of strength to establish dominance or secure mating rights.
Lioness got to do her work to survive and she is tough. Hope she has pride to support her on this hard times.
Wow, what a tough lady…
Unfair advantage. Everyone knows a broken leg makes it easier to hunt. Geees.
Quanta crueldade.
Not even a broken paw will stop a strong women. I hope the film crew called someone to help that Lady. Ty Jeanette from NY
Pobresito los animales, cuidenlos, no maten por gusto, alimente se de verduras y frutas, todos merecemos vivir
Não acredito que Deus algum possa ter criado esta merda. Perante o que se vê aqui, a morte é uma benção!!!!!
Haven’t seen anyone recover from an injury like that since Neymar!
I can imagine the pain of broken legs and the fear of being killed by predators
Well-done cooking the deers n eating is just yummy
It looks like that there are 2 lionesses hunting the wildebeest together.
Plz hv mercy on all Wild Life n save all animals n birds . Plz let them to live as they r the real beauty of this Earth.
At 1.56 you can see two Lioness on the job.
The best bit was when the large buck crashed into the other wildebeest
broken leg or not that lioness is doing what she needs to do to survive.
A lioness who hunts with a broken leg! What a force of nature!
Ive always said that humans are the most dangerous animals devastating nature
Poor deer .
Wherere the Park Rangers? Get the Veterinary Dr!!
Kalau sudah besar jerapah tidak punya pemangsa
How folks can just casually video this !
Veterinários ajudem essa pobre zebra precisa de tratamento à mulher fala mais não ajuda muito triste.
Oh, this is heartbreaking. No animal deserves to suffer.
Instead of filming you should have given it a mercy shot…
Best medicine a lion
They say sone Lions came threw n fixed him
Nah. That much blood and separated from the herd……. She either died from infection or the smell of blood led the lions to her. And I doubt shes in any shape to fight off another attack.
Its pity u woudnt help the poor zebra, love animals equally, so whats the use telling us of the injured zebra yet u offered ZERO help, shame.
Hope he was taken by a predator soon after.
Surely you could have got a vet to stitch her up and given the poor animal some antibiotics.
shame!! animals must be RESPECTED and do not mistreat them in this.
Heartbreaking to watch.
Muito triste ver esse animal sofrer
It must of been in agony, l doubt it lived much longer, predator would of put it out of its misery.
All rules of nature only applies to these poor wild animals as their misery makes a lot of money for youtubers.
Theres no excuse f what man does.Theres ALWAYS a choice.
Verdadeiros assassinos desses pobres animais,mas Deus dará o castigo pra esses assassinos cruéis eles que deveriam serem mortos ,por serem verdadeiros animais são Francisco de Assis vai ,com certeza castiga Los é só esperar a hora virá
Better a lion put him out of his misery by asphyxiation then be eaten slowly by a pack of wild dogs.
If you are there YOU need to help, not just watch. KARMA exists, even for those that dedicate to do these kind of videos.
Well its just not his day….worst part is waiting for some one to come along and eat me…