Country: Belarus | Year: 2023 | Genre: Black Metal
Track from the upcoming album ‘Necroinsanity’. To be released in the near future.
– Crystayler –
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Crystayler666
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crystayler_666
Bandcamp: https://crystayler.bandcamp.com
Metal Archives: https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Crystayler/3540509134
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This is absolute gold
el video de "mi abuelo se pelio con el diablo en el cerro"
😂😂😂 the video!
Pure Ingmar Bergman
haha much better story than The force Awakens! Bravo!!!
Geneal, lol! Please more shits like this.
Is this A JOKE?
My mom: Where are you?
Me: Preparing for my school test with my friend.
Best epic video ever
well, ive at least learned that the devil isnt really so scary after all.
Referência de immortal 🤔😅😅👌
Są inne formy debilizmu😢
Ridiculamete nuevo, jajaja, está bien, no es como otros videoclips que solo muestran bosques.
Fun black metal? Me recuerda a norweiggan reggaeton pero con nieve
Ожидал второсортного шлака, получил первоклассный шедевр )
Good shlt 🤗
What a great video! Love it!
I am glad this video is self aware that it was going to be hilariously bad for all the good reasons. But for real, musically this shit slaps tho ngl
Everyone needs a buddy with a flail to chase off satan!
I loved the video, keep it up guys.
🤘Black metal Attack🤘
Funny Video
Раз 20 уже посмотрел
Sehr nice. Das Musikvideo ist atmosphärisch und düster und durch die gewollten Slapstickeinlagen hat es seinen ganz eigenen Charme. Feier ich schon ein bisschen. 😂
Стёб отличный !!!
Очень круто!!!!!!
bro the clip is so funny I couldnt even listen to music💀
Очень бодрое видео!!!! Музыка достойная!!!!
Александр Григорьевич то не знает, чем подданные занимаются…
актерская игра черта очень хороша
Песнь – огонь! Видео – ОГООНЬ! Однозначно клип года.
Burzum much? Yeah it’s pretty cool.
This is hilarious!!!
Band sucks as bad as the attempt at humor
And I thought black metal was about low quality sound 😀
Прикольный клип) и мелодия хороша.