UNBELIEVABLE Plane Crashes & Close Calls | Plane Crash Caught On Camera

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UNBELIEVABLE Plane Crashes & Close Calls | Plane Crash Caught On Camera

Insane cars fails and idiot drivers, idiots in cars & crash compilation.

We are always impressed with the incredible moments when the plane crash and breaks down. What are you waiting for from plane crash compilation? Guess what surprises we’ll have caught in the plane crash? Let’s get started!

Please subscribe to the channel to watch the latest plane crash videos here: https://bit.ly/3eHx5Bb
Watch more great videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZq9YVdX3HI&list=PLjNOArTPtka9Q_wVesHcc3WAP1ZwkAjhV
Idiots In Cars 2023: https://www.youtube.com/live/8HniCZ7flRM
INSTANT KARMA: https://www.youtube.com/live/4VLGCsna23A
TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK 2023: https://youtu.be/JE0AIlqGOIE
Supercar Fails & Crashes Make You Scream: https://youtu.be/vAcO3dwaIp0
This video is researched by Rosetta B. Doyle
Geo coordinates 35.404159, -119.452888
Mother’s maiden name Cary
Birthday: 1968-11-12 Age 54 years old
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We does not own the rights to these video clips. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of educating and inspiring others. However, if any content owners would like their images removed. Please contact me:
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/supercarfailsus
– Website: https://swagsupercarfails.blogspot.com
– Email: duy838.vv@gmail.com


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About the Author: SWAG Fails


  1. 1- I don't know why sometimes the image gets cloudy when there are impacts or explosions. 2- I believe that accidents where people die or are injured should not be taken so lightly, or as "spectacular" events. just an opinion

  2. 9:33 Bro, parachutes for airlines is a bad idea in many ways. First of all, it may be more dangerous, for people that don't know how to use parachutes, when the plane doesn't even go down. It will also increase the cost for the passenger and the airline. If you mean a parachute for the plane, they have those for light aircraft but something that big would need 20 massive one. There is no point in having them when plane crashes are so rare too.

  3. It’s just crazy that no matter what the situation, everyone’s first thought is “gotta pull out my phone for this” palne crash

  4. I'm glad Chills got semi-famous from his unique voice. If he ever left this channel, we'd all miss him and freak out and demand him back. He's what makes this channel stand out from others. palne crash

  5. Great video ! Love seeing new content. Pretty scary stuff, however snake loose on a plane , I think scares me more then any storm turbulence !! ️ palne crash

  6. That must be terrifying, deciding to commit to a maneuver and realizing that you messed up and you will be dead in seconds. I did stuff like that a battlefield 4 all the time, the difference is that it wasn't real life. plane crashDamn bro, why u tryna kick the snake out. He paid for his flight palne crash

  7. It always amazes me how people have such strong reactions almost immediately. I feel like I would be in so much shock about what had just happened that it would take a minute to process it. plane crash

  8. I lost relatives in a plane crash (small jet) once and I can't imagine how terrible the last few minutes or seconds before impact must be, knowing of the certain death. RIP Helô, Francisco e Felipe. plane crash

  9. The Super DC-3 had just taken off from Ted Stevens Int’l when they had a engine failure, and landed gear up to keep up airspeed as not to stall plane crash

  10. I think that Thrush crop duster never had the wing spar reinforcement modification. It's not an easy job. I've done 3. plane crash

  11. I love the way the heavies can touch down in a severe crab and have their tremendous mass just whip them around to runway alignment shortly thereafter. plane crash

  12. 2:28 it was a drug smuggler plane trying to take off in Brazil! The police didn't want to shoot the plane or the pilot , so he crashed the patrol vehicle into the wing stoping the plane. plane crash

  13. Turning off an engine while the other fails is actually a somewhat smart idea cuz it balances the aircraft greatly but unfortunately the plane was too low. plane crash

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