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  1. I love you Adam ❤️ 😍 💗 love your hoodie. Looks super cozy ✨️ the last one is the most believable 😬 yikes 😬 😳 hope he didn't go back and he took Elvis with him 😳 xoxo 💜

  2. I'm leaning on the side of fake on all of them. That last one, so many things could be explained as being rigged. Rubzy pulling off being scared makes it more convincing that the apartment is haunted for real. Dave M's comment below sums it all up.

  3. the last two are the most obviously fake of all of the fake ghost occurrences. there are no ghosts, if there were and they really could affect our world, based on the presumptions of how ghosts are created the very first serial killer to not have achieved his goal would have come back and murdered everyone on the planet, not just slammed a few doors and messed with some lights. all of these things can be explained by air pressure and bad wiring… i have a light in the other room that goes on and off on its own because the connection to the bulb has gone bad not because casper is trying to get me some sympathy views on twitch

  4. nukes top 5 make for some fun stories but they are 99% fake but people tend to believe him because he is ex military like tat holds any weight xD

  5. It's much easier to fake on Live videos because in order to pull it off you are going to have to do much simpler and probably more practical things.

    5. See what I mean? Extremely easy to make noises in other rooms and behind cameras where nothing can be seen. Just as well could be that he honestly had some crap fall over by itself, it happens.
    4. This one is not fake and my favorite thing to see in "scary" videos because its just natural things happening that get misinterpreted as spooky. This is called backscatter in photography. Light is bouncing off dust or some other particle in the air enabling the camera to pick it up.
    3. Claims we can't see then he apparently has a power outage or blown fuse, but the camera is running on battery. Unfortunately Adam, the original recording isn't available anymore for me to try and find out what the thing in the bottom left was, but it clearly is in a very different position after the cut when it goes from light to dark (5:13) and Nuke didn't mention it so I assume it's just something the streamer has that is supposed to move or he moved it in the cut.
    2. Very easy to fake closing a door where we can't see anything, but I'm gonna give this guy the benefit of the doubt and just say it's one of the following many reasons doors close by themselves: Changes in air pressure between both rooms, the building just settled, the door is off its track, the door and frame are not aligned, the hinges don't line up, etc.
    1. It's the friend who owns the place just crawling around below the sofa where we can't see to slams doors then crawl to the hallway for the light with the streamer just pretending he doesn't know he's there. The box can easily be pulled with string. Elvis is in no way showing fear, the cat is relaxed and lying around all the warm electronics under the table.

  6. The problem is that the last video could easily be faked, if someone was hiding in the room where the door kept slamming shut. A person could easily turn the light on and off from that room. Someone could have hid off camera and rigged a fishing line to the stuff on the table that slid off. It's fun to believe in ghostees, but I need more convincing. Lol.

  7. I am a bit sceptic about these ones as well, but I must admit that playing a horror game is the last thing you want to be doing when your house starts to get haunted.
    I think the last streamer wanted to challenge himself by playing a horror game or listening to horror music while staying in the apartment, but that can really get you in a pretty frightened and paranoid state of mind. I love to wright stories in me free time and I like to get myself in the mood with music and I tell you writing a horror story while listening to horror music at night can unnerve you quite a bit. So I can only imagine how this streamer must have felt listening to horror music while being haunted.

  8. I don’t believe that last one. Who the fuck would just sit there for two hours with all that shut going on? I would have grabbed Elvis and got the hell out

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