According to local reports, the hailstorm struck at around 4 pm, catching residents off guard. The sudden downpour caused traffic jams, as drivers struggled to navigate through the debris-strewn roads.
In an unprecedented turn of events, a hailstorm recently ravaged the Chinese capital, Beijing, causing widespread destruction and chaos. The hailstones, some as large as golf balls, pelted down on the city for over an hour, shattering windows, damaging cars, and flooding streets.
Emergency services were quickly overwhelmed, with many people taking to social media to share their experiences and call for assistance.
The storm is thought to have caused extensive damage across the city, with estimates suggesting that tens of thousands of properties may have been affected. Authorities have urged residents to exercise caution when venturing outdoors, warning of the potential for further disruption.
In response to the crisis, the government has deployed a team of experts to assess the damage and provide assistance to those affected. It is also providing financial support to residents who have suffered losses as a result of the storm.
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Za Chiny się nikt nie modli bo Chiny nie wierzą w bajki . Tak tak tam krzyż nie dotarł i zobaczcie jaką kultura u nich 7 tys lat bez krzyża na swoich ziemiach . Brawo Chiny
No one is ‘praying’ for that vommie cesspit.
Вездесущий хаарп в действии по всему миру, и даже у себя в сша 😮
ขอสิ่งศักดิ์สิทธิ์บนโลกใบนี้ ช่วยปกป้อง ภัยพิบัติ ที่ประเทศจีนด้วยค่ะ ขอพรพระแม่กวนอิม ได้โปรดประทานพรให้เขารอดปลอดภัยด้วยค่ะ สาธุสาธุสาธุ
❤️🔥ISAÍAS 21:11 👑
" ¹¹ Profecía sobre Duma . Me dan voces de Ser: Guarda ,
¿ que de la noche?
¹² El guarda respondió : La mañana viene ,y después la noche; preguntar si queréis , preguntas; volved ,venid.
Amén 🙋🏻♀️🧕🏻🙇🏻♀️🙌🏻🦶🏻🦶🏻
Eh aquí yo tu sierva mi Señor amado Jesús vengo a ti a preguntarte qué hay de la noche? Y del día? Yo quiero saber por piedad
God taking vengeance on them countries
Господи помоги людям!!!🙏🙏🙏
Да китайцы молодцы , они быстро все сделают и восстановят , трудяги 🎉
Sono i padroni del mondo! Mondo comunista ,anzi turbo capitalista!?
Dios mío no, nos abandones…..!!!!! Te necesitamos aquí en este momento. Ayuda Señor Jesucristo a toda la población de China. Te lo pedimos humildemente. Amén.
Acepten a Jesucristo y a la Santa Iglesia Católica, bendiciones desde México 🙏🙏
Are the elites using HAARP against themselves?
God bless everyone ❤
It's gonna get worse allot worse hold on to your seats!!
Whole world? How come I do not know about this no report about this
Y los animales???
Gracias a. Dios se acabará tanta injusticia y maldad con los más débiles y tendrán su castigo eterno los y las opresores del pueblo
sigan creyendose dioses …y aborreciendo al verdadero DIOS ..y adorando idolos
H. A. A. R. P. !!!! Climate engineering. 👀🇺🇸🙏💜
Es mentira ,en otro lado lo he visto y ponia Apocalipsis en Polonia ¡¡¡¡Menudos mentirosos !!!!Y hay gente q se lo cree 😢
Just a storm it will pass
Im not
Hágase tu voluntad así en el cielo como en la tierra ( clamamos tu misericordia Dios bendito
Manovre climatiche
Nunca habías visto una granizada?
If it’s Gods judgement for the way they’d killed christen then there’s no need to pray but pray God takes care of his own in china
Terrible y de miedo
Más señales de la segunda venida de Jesús fenómenos imprevistos y extraños y lluvias torrenciales y aguaceros y tormentas granizos grandes fuera de orden cambios bruscos repentinos
Dios proteja.China 🙏
Estos chino inventan todo tipo de calamidades.. a ellos mismos les ke……
El mundo orando por China?
Sejam todos socorridos pela Luz Divina. 💛💛💚💚
Deus abençoe a China e o mundo inteiro!!!
Do we know when this happened? While I feel for the people of China, their government is hardly worth feeling sorry for: Especially since they arrest, jail and torture their own people si.ply because of their beliefs. Really now, is the Chinese government news service asking us to pray for them? They don't even believe in God and persicute their own people who do. I pray for the people, the government and those who run it can go to……
Pobres tidos los animalitos !!!!
Q horror y todo gracias al hombre !!!!
Santo Dios Santo fuerte Santo e inmortal ten misericordia de los chinos y de nosotros amén 🙏
Allahym afatlardan feleketlerden koru çin halkyny ve būtūn ynsan lygy🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
looks like a midwest thunderstorm … I hope no one was hurt
call upon the name of the lord and be saved
Deus está falando com a China e.o jeito de nosso senhor Deus altíssimo tem seu próprio diálogo com o mundo gritando estar descontente
Ło matko bosko koniec swiata
En Argentina también pasa y no le decimos apocalipsis !!!! Es tormenta de granizo !!!😅
To oszustwo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stare filmy unieszcza z różnych katastrof,żeby zdobyć lajki i subskrypcje.Zobaczcie profil tej osoby,same tragedie,manipulant,gra na ludzkich uczuciach,Jakie to podłe i nieludzkie
It doesn't look completely real to me. If it is real that small box thing at the begining would also be moving. Also, at the back of that box there seems to be a lot of water being forced such as from a hose on very high speed. What do U think? 🤔 🙋
Dios los proteja
Jajajajaja , que alarmantes son , son tormentas aisladas que siempre ocurren en sectores mas tropicales de China , no son fenomenos unicos 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Wat'n Quatsch, die ganze Welt betet für China. Beten hilft da kein bißchen! Man kann nur hoffen, daß kein Mensch zu Schaden kommt!
Oh No ! The sky is falling. smh lmao. just a little weather. happens all the time.