Prepare yourself for an amplified serving of the finest videos from the month, meticulously handpicked for discerning aficionados.
Prepare yourself for an amplified serving of the finest videos from the month, meticulously handpicked for discerning aficionados.
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Dad gets all the awards for the solo cup prank! It doesnt get better than that when you are those two kids ages.
Ok dude balancing the beers on his noggin. How? My skull is too rounded on top to pull that off. LOL!
"All you need is a cat and a misplaced bowl of flour," and suddenly you'll know what a heart attack is.
17:44 that is the most cutest thing ive ever seen
8:48 is that Chris Griffon doing parkour without a hat on?
Sad one of the duck chicks went over the waterfall, pause at 26:53 and you can see it under the water.
15:30 talk about pride before the fall. 🤣
The commentary does not add anything to this video.
I have great respect for that Guinness drinker.
THE GUY JUMPING WALL 2 WALL THEN SHOES BROKE; if i was shown a cartoon of a person doing that i would have said yer 'of course its a cartoon bcoz no man could do this' so im shocked
Wow! Great video. So many cute, weird, exciting, heart-stopping, and funny moments. Loved every minute. 👍🏼
4:29 I did not know that we can cook rice like that, it’s like magic!
সেদিন সিলেট রেলওয়ে ষ্টেশনে একজনের সাথে আমার তর্ক লেগেছিল।
23:43 Kang the Conqueror
25:53 Eeeeuw Imagine how dirty that hair must be, dragging all over the floors 🤢
I would NOT be giggling if a lioness was in the car with me.
Also, I forgot to mention in my other comment, those moonwalkers in this video are the best I’ve ever seen so far ! Can’t imagine finding better ❣️
Mesmerizing to watch such feats of determination, discipline and raw talent that few will ever experience in their whole lives !!!!
I only counted 187… 🤷♂️
lol. monkey tickle gorrela cool
arobic collie sweet
dog and horse thing beautiful. todler doing ice hockey cheet. smart
bloody hell. the legless mechanic is incredible. quite the superman realy. most respect. not pity but sincer admiration.
the ' michael jackson' guy was pretty cool
5:20 What?
Just subscribed to your channel,I loved all of this video,Keep up your awesomeness Thanks!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
28:18 with the aircraft landing on the carrier – fake!
Absolute worst narration EVER!!!
55:27 Just how are "Haters gonna say this goal kick is reversed"? HOW? Idiot.
Anyone else find the commentary annoying and not very funny?
clickbait thumbnail = reported lol